Explain when devices should get activated.

Signed-off-by: Michal Suchanek <msucha...@suse.de>
 doc/develop/driver-model/design.rst | 22 ++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/develop/driver-model/design.rst 
index 5f33f9fbb3..c925d21b24 100644
--- a/doc/develop/driver-model/design.rst
+++ b/doc/develop/driver-model/design.rst
@@ -794,8 +794,26 @@ fall afoul of this rule.
-When a device needs to be used, U-Boot activates it, by first reading ofdata
-as above and then following these steps (see device_probe()):
+To save resources devices in U-Boot are probed lazily. U-Boot is a bootloader,
+not an operating system. Many devices are never used during an U-Boot run, and
+probing them takes time, requires memory, may add delays to the main loop, etc.
+The device should be probed by the uclass code. Different uclasses are
+different but two common use cases can be seen:
+   1. The uclass is asked to look up a specific device, such as SPI bus 0,
+   first chip select - in this case the returned device should be
+   activated.
+   2. The uclass is asked to perform a specific function on any device that
+   supports it, eg. reset the board using any sysreset that can be found -
+   for this case the core uclass code provides iterators that activate
+   each device before returning it, and the uclass typically implements a
+   walk function that iterates over all devices of the uclass and tries
+   to perform the requested function on each in turn until succesful.
+To activate a device U-Boot first reads ofdata as above and then follows these
+steps (see device_probe()):
    1. All parent devices are probed. It is not possible to activate a device
    unless its predecessors (all the way up to the root device) are activated.

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