On 21/07/2022 12:03, Da Xue wrote:

Hi Da,

Users were reporting non-boot on our H5 boards (ALL-H3-CC-H5). u-boot
gets stuck in SPL with this message for SD/eMMC respectively.

Trying to boot from MMC1 or Trying to boot from MMC2

I tested about 20 MicroSD cards from different brands and some were
happy and some were not. Increasing the udelay to 8-10ms in
drivers/mmc/sunxi_mmc.c sunxi_mmc_core_init after reset seems to fix
the issue for the MicroSD cards.

That's interesting, thanks for the report. I don't remember hearing of issues with MMC before, at least not in the SPL. It's a bit odd that waiting after the *controller* reset should affect SD cards, and 1ms seems plenty for just the reset. I just checked and at least the SOFT_RESET and FIFO_RESET bits are self clearing. Can you try to use wait_for_bit_le32() to wait for those parts to finish? See sun8i_emac_eth_start() for an example.

And since you mentioned it's card related: can you check whether the delay is actually needed somewhere else, later? At some point where we wait to the card to response, for instance?

I am not against taking this patch, if it fixes problems for you, but just want to avoid that it papers over other issues.


Author: Da Xue <da@libre.computer>
Date:   Wed Jul 20 19:11:55 2022 -0400

     sunxi: raise stabilization time for mmc from 1ms to 8ms

diff --git a/drivers/mmc/sunxi_mmc.c b/drivers/mmc/sunxi_mmc.c
index 1bb7b6d0e9..499e057725 100644
--- a/drivers/mmc/sunxi_mmc.c
+++ b/drivers/mmc/sunxi_mmc.c
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ static int sunxi_mmc_core_init(struct mmc *mmc)

         /* Reset controller */
         writel(SUNXI_MMC_GCTRL_RESET, &priv->reg->gctrl);
-       udelay(1000);
+       udelay(8000);

         return 0;

I don't know the implications of this change so I am seeking feedback.
Are other boards having this issue as well or is it specific to our


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