在 2022/7/2 11:09, qianfan 写道:

在 2022/6/28 8:34, Andre Przywara 写道:
On Thu,  9 Jun 2022 17:09:39 +0800
qianfangui...@163.com wrote:

Hi Qianfan,

From: qianfan Zhao <qianfangui...@163.com>

dm_spi_claim_bus run spi_set_speed_mode first and then ops->claim_bus,
but spi clock is enabled when sun4i_spi_claim_bus, that will make
sun4i_spi_set_speed doesn't work.
Thanks for bringing this up, and sorry for the delay (please CC: the
U-Boot sunxi maintainers!).
So this is very similar to the patch as I sent earlier:

Can you please check whether this works for you as well, then reply to
that patch?
I put my version of the patch plus more fixes and F1C100s support to:

Also I am curious under what circumstances and on what board you saw the
issue? In my case it was on the F1C100s, which has a higher base clock
(200 MHz instead of 24 MHz), so everything gets badly overclocked.
I tested based on those two commits:

spi: sunxi: refactor SPI speed/mode programming
spi: sunxi: improve SPI clock calculation

And there are a couple of questions:

1. sun4i_spi_of_to_plat try reading "spi-max-frequency" from the spi bus node:

static int sun4i_spi_of_to_plat(struct udevice *bus)
    struct sun4i_spi_plat *plat = dev_get_plat(bus);
    int node = dev_of_offset(bus);

    plat->base = dev_read_addr(bus);
    plat->variant = (struct sun4i_spi_variant *)dev_get_driver_data(bus);
    plat->max_hz = fdtdec_get_int(gd->fdt_blob, node,

    if (plat->max_hz > SUN4I_SPI_MAX_RATE)
        plat->max_hz = SUN4I_SPI_MAX_RATE;

    return 0;

Seems this is not a correct way. "spi-max-frequency" should reading from spi device, not spi bus. On my dts, no "spi-max-frequency" prop on spi bus node, this will make
plat->max_hz has default SUN4I_SPI_DEFAULT_RATE(1M) value.

&spi2 {
    pinctrl-names = "default";
    pinctrl-0 = <&spi2_cs0_pb_pin &spi2_pb_pins>;
    status = "okay";

    lcd@0 {
        compatible = "sitronix,st75161";
        spi-max-frequency = <12000000>;
        reg = <0>;

So on my patch, I had changed the default plat->max_hz to SUN4I_SPI_MAX_RATE.

2. When I changed the default plat->max_hz to SUN4I_SPI_MAX_RATE:

2.1: sun4i_spi_set_speed_mode doesn't consider when div = 1(freq = SUNXI_INPUT_CLOCK),
the spi running in 12M even if the spi-max-frequency is setted to 24M.

2.2: on my R40 based board, spi can't work when the spi clock <= 6M.
I had check the CCR register, the value is correct, from logic analyzer
only the first byte is sent. Next is the serial console logs:

spi clock = 6M:
CCR: 00001001
ERROR: sun4i_spi: Timeout transferring data
ERROR: sun4i_spi: Timeout transferring data
ERROR: sun4i_spi: Timeout transferring data

spi clock = 4M:
CCR: 00001002
ERROR: sun4i_spi: Timeout transferring data
ERROR: sun4i_spi: Timeout transferring data
ERROR: sun4i_spi: Timeout transferring data
ERROR: sun4i_spi: Timeout transferring data
ERROR: sun4i_spi: Timeout transferring data
Add udelay(1) before sun4i_spi_drain_fifo in sun4i_spi_xfer can fix it.
But I don't know why.


Fix it.

Signed-off-by: qianfan Zhao <qianfangui...@163.com>
  drivers/spi/spi-sunxi.c | 78 ++++++++++++++++-------------------------
  1 file changed, 30 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/spi/spi-sunxi.c b/drivers/spi/spi-sunxi.c
index b6cd7ddafa..1043cde976 100644
--- a/drivers/spi/spi-sunxi.c
+++ b/drivers/spi/spi-sunxi.c
@@ -224,6 +224,7 @@ err_ahb:
  static int sun4i_spi_claim_bus(struct udevice *dev)
      struct sun4i_spi_priv *priv = dev_get_priv(dev->parent);
+    u32 div, reg;
      int ret;
        ret = sun4i_spi_set_clock(dev->parent, true);
@@ -233,12 +234,38 @@ static int sun4i_spi_claim_bus(struct udevice *dev)
      setbits_le32(SPI_REG(priv, SPI_GCR), SUN4I_CTL_ENABLE |
               SUN4I_CTL_MASTER | SPI_BIT(priv, SPI_GCR_TP));
  +    /* Setup clock divider */
+    div = SUN4I_SPI_MAX_RATE / (2 * priv->freq);
+    reg = readl(SPI_REG(priv, SPI_CCR));
+    if (div <= (SUN4I_CLK_CTL_CDR2_MASK + 1)) {
+        if (div > 0)
+            div--;
+        reg &= ~(SUN4I_CLK_CTL_CDR2_MASK | SUN4I_CLK_CTL_DRS);
+        reg |= SUN4I_CLK_CTL_CDR2(div) | SUN4I_CLK_CTL_DRS;
+    } else {
+        div = __ilog2(SUN4I_SPI_MAX_RATE) - __ilog2(priv->freq);
+        reg &= ~((SUN4I_CLK_CTL_CDR1_MASK << 8) | SUN4I_CLK_CTL_DRS);
+        reg |= SUN4I_CLK_CTL_CDR1(div);
+    }
+    writel(reg, SPI_REG(priv, SPI_CCR));
      if (priv->variant->has_soft_reset)
          setbits_le32(SPI_REG(priv, SPI_GCR),
                   SPI_BIT(priv, SPI_GCR_SRST));
  -    setbits_le32(SPI_REG(priv, SPI_TCR), SPI_BIT(priv, SPI_TCR_CS_MANUAL) |
-             SPI_BIT(priv, SPI_TCR_CS_ACTIVE_LOW));
+    /* Setup the transfer control register */
+    reg = SPI_BIT(priv, SPI_TCR_CS_MANUAL) |
+          SPI_BIT(priv, SPI_TCR_CS_ACTIVE_LOW);
+    if (priv->mode & SPI_CPOL)
+        reg |= SPI_BIT(priv, SPI_TCR_CPOL);
+    if (priv->mode & SPI_CPHA)
+        reg |= SPI_BIT(priv, SPI_TCR_CPHA);
+    writel(reg, SPI_REG(priv, SPI_TCR));
        return 0;
@@ -329,67 +356,22 @@ static int sun4i_spi_set_speed(struct udevice *dev, uint speed)
      struct sun4i_spi_plat *plat = dev_get_plat(dev);
      struct sun4i_spi_priv *priv = dev_get_priv(dev);
-    unsigned int div;
-    u32 reg;
        if (speed > plat->max_hz)
          speed = plat->max_hz;
        if (speed < SUN4I_SPI_MIN_RATE)
          speed = SUN4I_SPI_MIN_RATE;
-    /*
-     * Setup clock divider.
-     *
-     * We have two choices there. Either we can use the clock
-     * divide rate 1, which is calculated thanks to this formula:
-     * SPI_CLK = MOD_CLK / (2 ^ (cdr + 1))
-     * Or we can use CDR2, which is calculated with the formula:
-     * SPI_CLK = MOD_CLK / (2 * (cdr + 1))
-     * Whether we use the former or the latter is set through the
-     * DRS bit.
-     *
-     * First try CDR2, and if we can't reach the expected
-     * frequency, fall back to CDR1.
-     */
-    div = SUN4I_SPI_MAX_RATE / (2 * speed);
-    reg = readl(SPI_REG(priv, SPI_CCR));
-    if (div <= (SUN4I_CLK_CTL_CDR2_MASK + 1)) {
-        if (div > 0)
-            div--;
-        reg &= ~(SUN4I_CLK_CTL_CDR2_MASK | SUN4I_CLK_CTL_DRS);
-        reg |= SUN4I_CLK_CTL_CDR2(div) | SUN4I_CLK_CTL_DRS;
-    } else {
-        div = __ilog2(SUN4I_SPI_MAX_RATE) - __ilog2(speed);
-        reg &= ~((SUN4I_CLK_CTL_CDR1_MASK << 8) | SUN4I_CLK_CTL_DRS);
-        reg |= SUN4I_CLK_CTL_CDR1(div);
-    }
        priv->freq = speed;
-    writel(reg, SPI_REG(priv, SPI_CCR));
      return 0;
    static int sun4i_spi_set_mode(struct udevice *dev, uint mode)
      struct sun4i_spi_priv *priv = dev_get_priv(dev);
-    u32 reg;
-    reg = readl(SPI_REG(priv, SPI_TCR));
-    reg &= ~(SPI_BIT(priv, SPI_TCR_CPOL) | SPI_BIT(priv, SPI_TCR_CPHA));
-    if (mode & SPI_CPOL)
-        reg |= SPI_BIT(priv, SPI_TCR_CPOL);
-    if (mode & SPI_CPHA)
-        reg |= SPI_BIT(priv, SPI_TCR_CPHA);
        priv->mode = mode;
-    writel(reg, SPI_REG(priv, SPI_TCR));
      return 0;
  @@ -441,7 +423,7 @@ static int sun4i_spi_of_to_plat(struct udevice *bus)       plat->variant = (struct sun4i_spi_variant *)dev_get_driver_data(bus);
      plat->max_hz = fdtdec_get_int(gd->fdt_blob, node,
-                      SUN4I_SPI_DEFAULT_RATE);
+                      SUN4I_SPI_MAX_RATE);
        if (plat->max_hz > SUN4I_SPI_MAX_RATE)
          plat->max_hz = SUN4I_SPI_MAX_RATE;

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