Am Do., 30. Juni 2022 um 16:01 Uhr schrieb andrés ramírez <>: > > Hi. Markus. > > >>>>> "Markus" == Markus Hoffrogge <> writes: > > Markus> Hi Miquel, hi Maxime, could you probably run a test on a newer > Allwinner SOC - like e.g. > Markus> SUNI8, SUNI9, SUNI50 or newer, since I can test it on a SUNI7 > (A20) board only? > > I have a topwise A721 tablet which is sun4i (A10). Should I test on it?. > > How to test it?. Just download latest 2022-07-rc and see if archlinux > boots?
Hi Andrés, you can try, but A10 to me is not that critical, since the NFC is close to the one of A20. Yes, you would have to replace the SPL U-Boot in the SPL partition of the NAND. br Markus