Hey all, As you might have seen, the DENX wiki has undergone some updates in the last few months. As of now, most pages have been restored and are up to date. But it's also true that the wiki long predates our sphinx documentation and readthedocs site (which I am very happy the work has been put in on making and improving). So to that end, I'm trying to move everything that's on the wiki over to sphinx so that it will be easier to access and keep up to date. To that end, this small series includes 3 pages being moved.
I don't know what to do about ReleaseCycle and the statics pages long term. I have a few ideas, but they're tricker so not what I want to tackle first. I'm thinking the next page to tackle is https://www.denx.de/wiki/U-Boot/Patches which might well end up being more than one page once moved. And there's still some outdated information in what I'm posting here, I'm not sure if a follow-up updating it is needed now, or just when someone has a chance. -- Tom