Le 16/12/2010 04:04, Jason Liu a écrit :
> Hi, Albert,
> 2010/12/16 Albert ARIBAUD<albert.arib...@free.fr>:
>> Hi Jason,
>> Le 15/12/2010 14:57, Jason Liu a écrit :
>>> There will have issue if the _start not equal TEXT_BASE
>>> when enable relocation.
>> In what case does this happen?
> Some ARM SOC ROM need run the plug-in code first in IRAM and the
> plugin-in code need appear at the beginning of the u-boot. ROM will
> check the plugin-in header to do security check and run the plug-in
> code to init the DDR etc. In this case the _start will be not the same

I still don't see why u-boot would not end up where specified.

The fact that there is a "plug-in" (I assume it's what I would call an 
IPL) does not change the fact that its payload (u-boot) can and will be 
loaded where specified, i.e. at TEXT_BASE -- and if it is loaded 
elsewhere, it is at a fixed address, so TEXT_BASE can be adjusted) All 
IPLs that I know of put their payload where specified.

> Thanks for your comments. Cheers,

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