The SPL code declares binman symbols for U-Boot phases depending on
CONFIG_IS_ENABLED(BINMAN_SYMBOLS). This config exists for SPL and TPL,
also add a version for VPL.
Signed-off-by: Alper Nebi Yasak <>

 common/spl/Kconfig.vpl | 12 ++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+)

diff --git a/common/spl/Kconfig.vpl b/common/spl/Kconfig.vpl
index ba1ea6075b94..29fa1cf400ba 100644
--- a/common/spl/Kconfig.vpl
+++ b/common/spl/Kconfig.vpl
@@ -198,4 +198,16 @@ config VPL_TEXT_BASE
          The address in memory that VPL will be running from.
+       bool "Declare binman symbols for U-Boot phases in VPL"
+       depends on VPL_FRAMEWORK && BINMAN
+       default y
+       help
+         This enables use of symbols in VPL which refer to U-Boot phases,
+         enabling VPL to obtain the location and size of its next phase simply
+         by calling spl_get_image_pos() and spl_get_image_size().
+         For this to work, you must have all U-Boot phases in the same binman
+         image, so binman can update VPL with the locations of everything.

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