A short-form path starting with a file device path will be tested in
a new test case.

This type of short-form path will be created with "efidebug boot add -b",
in particular, when a file system has no partition table.

Signed-off-by: AKASHI Takahiro <takahiro.aka...@linaro.org>
 test/py/tests/test_efi_bootmgr/conftest.py    | 25 +++++++++++++++++++
 .../test_efi_bootmgr/test_efi_bootmgr.py      | 25 +++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 50 insertions(+)

diff --git a/test/py/tests/test_efi_bootmgr/conftest.py 
index a0a754afbe1b..5cd7252671fa 100644
--- a/test/py/tests/test_efi_bootmgr/conftest.py
+++ b/test/py/tests/test_efi_bootmgr/conftest.py
@@ -38,3 +38,28 @@ def efi_bootmgr_data(u_boot_config):
     return image_path
+def efi_bootmgr_data2(u_boot_config):
+    """Set up a file system without a partition table to be used
+       in UEFI bootmanager tests
+    Args:
+        u_boot_config -- U-boot configuration.
+    Return:
+        A path to disk image to be used for testing
+    """
+    mnt_point = u_boot_config.persistent_data_dir + '/test_efi_bootmgr'
+    image_path = u_boot_config.persistent_data_dir + '/efi_bootmgr_data2.img'
+    shutil.rmtree(mnt_point, ignore_errors=True)
+    os.mkdir(mnt_point, mode = 0o755)
+    shutil.copyfile(u_boot_config.build_dir + '/lib/efi_loader/helloworld.efi',
+                    mnt_point + '/helloworld.efi')
+    check_call(f'virt-make-fs --size=+1M --type=vfat {mnt_point} {image_path}',
+               shell=True)
+    return image_path
diff --git a/test/py/tests/test_efi_bootmgr/test_efi_bootmgr.py 
index 75a6e7c96296..ab3d53a2dc95 100644
--- a/test/py/tests/test_efi_bootmgr/test_efi_bootmgr.py
+++ b/test/py/tests/test_efi_bootmgr/test_efi_bootmgr.py
@@ -41,3 +41,28 @@ def test_efi_bootmgr(u_boot_console, efi_bootmgr_data):
     u_boot_console.run_command(cmd = 'efidebug boot rm 0001')
     u_boot_console.run_command(cmd = 'efidebug boot rm 0002')
+def test_efi_bootmgr_short(u_boot_console, efi_bootmgr_data2):
+    """ Unit test for UEFI bootmanager with a short-form path
+    In this test case,
+    - File system has no partition table
+    - UEFI load option has a short-form path starting with a file device path
+    Args:
+        u_boot_console -- U-Boot console
+        efi_bootmgr_data2 -- Path to the disk image used for testing.
+    """
+    u_boot_console.run_command(cmd = f'host bind 0 {efi_bootmgr_data2}')
+    u_boot_console.run_command(cmd = 'efidebug boot add ' \
+        '-b 0001 TEST2 host 0:0 helloworld.efi')
+    response = u_boot_console.run_command(cmd = 'efidebug boot dump')
+    assert 'file_path: /helloworld.efi' in response
+    u_boot_console.run_command(cmd = 'efidebug boot next 0001')
+    response = u_boot_console.run_command(cmd = 'bootefi bootmgr')
+    assert 'Hello, world!' in response
+    u_boot_console.run_command(cmd = 'efidebug boot rm 0001')

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