On Mon, Apr 11, 2022 at 12:02:09PM +0200, Diego Rondini wrote:

> As explained in commit 4af2a33ee5b9 ("cmd: gpio: Make `gpio input`
> return pin value again") the `gpio input` is used in scripts to obtain
> the value of a pin, despite the fact that CMD_RET_FAILURE is
> indistinguishable from a valid pin value.
> To be able to detect failures and properly use the value of a GPIO in
> scripts we introduce the `gpio read` command that sets the variable
> `name` to the value of the pin. Return code of the `gpio read` command
> can be used to check for CMD_RET_SUCCESS or CMD_RET_FAILURE.
> CONFIG_CMD_GPIO_READ is used to enable the `gpio read` command.
> Signed-off-by: Diego Rondini <diego.rond...@kynetics.com>

Applied to u-boot/master, thanks!


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