On 2022/2/25 21:20, Heiko Thiery wrote:
I was only able to test it on a 8MNANOD3L-EVK board. Please help testing
this change on the other 2 eval boards (8MNANOLPD4-EVK, 8MNANOD4-EVK).

SPL not use DM_SERIAL, only U-Boot proper use DM_SERIAL, right?

Not related to your patch, I think we need add some low level debug uart
setup to have uart work as early as possible, especially for bring up new SoC/board.


Heiko Thiery (2):
   ARM: imx: imx8mn-evk: enable DM_SERIAL
   ARM: imx: imx8mn-ddr4-evk: enable DM_SERIAL

  configs/imx8mn_ddr4_evk_defconfig | 2 ++
  configs/imx8mn_evk_defconfig      | 2 ++
  2 files changed, 4 insertions(+)

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