(not sure I've answered you... sorry if I did already)

Le 29/11/2010 20:58, Jens Scharsig a écrit :
> Dear Albert ARIBAUD,
> I have tried to start update the eb_cpux9k2 board. I can compile
> board without errors from current tree. But the board hangs on
> NAND detection. If I disable NAND support, the board starts and
> I can also start Linux.
> A second problem, the board does not restart (reset command).
> I find out that a NULL pointer used by reset code, was also
> relocated.

Does any code executed directly or indirectly by biard_init_f() have 
global (BSS) variables? If so, you should fix this by moving those 
globals to the GD structure: BSS does not exist before relocation.

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