Look the following benchmark (qemu-mips board):

U-Boot Vanilla
179600 bytes u-boot.bin

Bootstrap code w/o compresion (memcpy)
189224 bytes u-boot-bootstrap.bin
--> size 105%

Bootstrap code using BZIP2 compression
114388 bytes u-boot-bootstrap.bin
-->size 64%

Bootstrap code using GZIP compression
114204 bytes u-boot-bootstrap.bin
-->size 64%

Bootstrap code using LZMA compression
89456 bytes u-boot-bootstrap.bin
-->size 50% <-- BEST

Bootstrap code using LZO compression
104388 bytes u-boot-bootstrap.bin
-->size 58%

ciao ciao


martedì 30 novembre 2010 11:30 luigi.mantell...@idf-hit.com ha scritto:
> From: Luigi 'Comio' Mantellini <luigi.mantell...@idf-hit.com>
> Hi All,
> The following patches introduce the bootstrap support that enable to have a
> compressed U-Boot image. The bootstrap code supports the uncompressed as
> well as compressed payloads, using LZMA, GZIP, BZIP2 and LZO.
> Actually I developed just the mips version (using qemu-mips board)...
> Please see the Patch #1 for the required defines to enable the required
> features.
> Of course, any suggestion is welcome.
> ciao
> luigi
> Luigi 'Comio' Mantellini (2):
>   Add support for bootstrap stage that allows to have a compressed
>     U-Boot image.     The final image will named "u-boot-bootstrap".
>   Add support for bootstrap stage to QEMU-MIPS board.
>  .gitignore                            |   24 ++-
>  Makefile                              |  172 ++++++++++++-
>  arch/mips/config.mk                   |    2 +-
>  arch/mips/cpu/Makefile                |   28 ++-
>  arch/mips/cpu/cpu.c                   |   12 -
>  arch/mips/cpu/reset.c                 |   39 +++
>  arch/mips/cpu/reset_bootstrap.c       |   39 +++
>  arch/mips/cpu/start_bootstrap.S       |  452
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ arch/mips/lib/Makefile                | 
>  15 +-
>  arch/mips/lib/board_bootstrap.c       |  261 +++++++++++++++++++
>  board/qemu-mips/Makefile              |   15 +-
>  board/qemu-mips/config.mk             |    7 +-
>  board/qemu-mips/qemu-mips_bootstrap.c |   48 ++++
>  board/qemu-mips/u-boot-bootstrap.lds  |   73 ++++++
>  common/Makefile                       |   15 +-
>  common/console_bootstrap.c            |   85 ++++++
>  config.mk                             |   19 ++-
>  include/common.h                      |   21 ++
>  include/configs/qemu-mips.h           |   14 +-
>  lib/Makefile                          |   28 ++-
>  lib/bootstrap.c                       |   89 +++++++
>  lib/lzma/Makefile                     |    4 +-
>  lib/lzo/Makefile                      |    4 +-
>  23 files changed, 1434 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)
>  create mode 100644 arch/mips/cpu/reset.c
>  create mode 100644 arch/mips/cpu/reset_bootstrap.c
>  create mode 100644 arch/mips/cpu/start_bootstrap.S
>  create mode 100644 arch/mips/lib/board_bootstrap.c
>  create mode 100644 board/qemu-mips/qemu-mips_bootstrap.c
>  create mode 100644 board/qemu-mips/u-boot-bootstrap.lds
>  create mode 100644 common/console_bootstrap.c
>  create mode 100644 lib/bootstrap.c


Luigi 'Comio' Mantellini
R&D - Software

Industrie Dial Face S.p.A.
Via Canzo, 4
20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI) Italy
Tel.: +39 02 5167 2813
Fax: +39 02 5167 2459 
E-mail: luigi.mantell...@idf-hit.com 
Website: http://www.idf-hit.com

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