This commit adds the menu-driven UEFI Boot Variable maintenance.
User can add and delete the Boot#### variable, and update the
BootOrder variable through menu operation.

Signed-off-by: Masahisa Kojima <>
 lib/efi_loader/efi_bootmgr.c | 720 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 720 insertions(+)

diff --git a/lib/efi_loader/efi_bootmgr.c b/lib/efi_loader/efi_bootmgr.c
index 013d868f23..739140f742 100644
--- a/lib/efi_loader/efi_bootmgr.c
+++ b/lib/efi_loader/efi_bootmgr.c
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ static const struct efi_runtime_services *rs;
 typedef efi_status_t (*efi_bootmenu_entry_func)(void *data, bool *exit);
@@ -95,12 +97,49 @@ struct efi_bootmgr_boot_selection_data {
 static efi_status_t efi_bootmgr_process_boot_selected(void *data, bool *exit);
 static efi_status_t efi_bootmgr_process_boot_selection(void *data, bool *exit);
+static efi_status_t efi_bootmgr_process_maintenance(void *data, bool *exit);
+static efi_status_t efi_bootmgr_process_add_boot_option(void *data, bool 
+static efi_status_t efi_bootmgr_process_delete_boot_option(void *data, bool 
+static efi_status_t efi_bootmgr_process_change_boot_order(void *data, bool 
 static struct efi_bootmgr_menu_item bootmgr_menu_items[] = {
        {u"Boot Manager", efi_bootmgr_process_boot_selection},
+       {u"Boot Manager maintenance", efi_bootmgr_process_maintenance},
        {u"Quit", NULL},
+static struct efi_bootmgr_menu_item maintenance_menu_items[] = {
+       {u"Add Boot Option", efi_bootmgr_process_add_boot_option},
+       {u"Delete Boot Option", efi_bootmgr_process_delete_boot_option},
+       {u"Change Boot Order", efi_bootmgr_process_change_boot_order},
+       {u"Quit", NULL},
+struct efi_bootmgr_boot_option {
+       struct efi_simple_file_system_protocol *current_volume;
+       struct efi_device_path *dp_volume;
+       u16 *current_path;
+       u16 *boot_name;
+       bool file_selected;
+static const struct efi_device_path END = {
+       .type     = DEVICE_PATH_TYPE_END,
+       .sub_type = DEVICE_PATH_SUB_TYPE_END,
+       .length   = sizeof(END),
+struct efi_bootmgr_volume_entry_data {
+       struct efi_bootmgr_boot_option *bo;
+       struct efi_simple_file_system_protocol *v;
+       struct efi_device_path *dp;
+struct efi_bootmgr_file_entry_data {
+       struct efi_bootmgr_boot_option *bo;
+       struct efi_file_info *f;
 static void efi_bootmgr_menu_print_entry(void *data)
        struct efi_bootmgr_menu_entry *entry = data;
@@ -558,6 +597,687 @@ static efi_status_t 
efi_bootmgr_process_boot_selection(void *data, bool *exit)
        return ret;
+static efi_status_t efi_bootmgr_volume_selected(void *data, bool *exit)
+       struct efi_bootmgr_volume_entry_data *info = data;
+       *exit = true;
+       if (info) {
+               info->bo->current_volume = info->v;
+               info->bo->dp_volume = info->dp;
+       }
+       return EFI_SUCCESS;
+static efi_status_t efi_bootmgr_file_selected(void *data, bool *exit)
+       struct efi_bootmgr_file_entry_data *info = data;
+       *exit = true;
+       if (!info)
+               return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER;
+       if (u16_strncmp(info->f->file_name, u".", 1) == 0 &&
+           u16_strlen(info->f->file_name) == 1) {
+               /* stay current path */
+       } else if (u16_strncmp(info->f->file_name, u"..", 2) == 0 &&
+                  u16_strlen(info->f->file_name) == 2) {
+               u32 i;
+               int len = u16_strlen(info->bo->current_path);
+               for (i = len - 2; i > 0; i--) {
+                       if (info->bo->current_path[i] == u'\\')
+                               break;
+               }
+               if (i == 0)
+                       info->bo->current_path[0] = u'\0';
+               else
+                       info->bo->current_path[i + 1] = u'\0';
+       } else {
+               size_t new_len;
+               new_len = u16_strlen(info->bo->current_path) +
+                                    u16_strlen(info->f->file_name) + 1;
+               if (new_len >= EFI_BOOTMGR_FILE_PATH_MAX) {
+                       /* TODO: show error notification to user */
+                       log_err("file path is too long\n");
+                       return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER;
+               }
+               u16_strcat(info->bo->current_path, info->f->file_name);
+               if (info->f->attribute & EFI_FILE_DIRECTORY) {
+                       if (new_len + 1 >= EFI_BOOTMGR_FILE_PATH_MAX) {
+                               log_err("file path is too long\n");
+                               return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER;
+                       }
+                       u16_strcat(info->bo->current_path, u"\\");
+               } else {
+                       info->bo->file_selected = true;
+               }
+       }
+       return EFI_SUCCESS;
+static efi_status_t efi_bootmgr_select_volume(struct efi_bootmgr_boot_option 
+       u16 *name;
+       u32 i;
+       efi_status_t ret;
+       efi_uintn_t count;
+       struct efi_device_path *device_path;
+       efi_handle_t *volume_handles = NULL;
+       struct efi_simple_file_system_protocol *v;
+       struct efi_device_path_to_text_protocol *text;
+       struct efi_bootmgr_menu_item *menu_item, *iter;
+       ret = EFI_CALL(efi_locate_handle_buffer(BY_PROTOCOL, 
+                                               NULL, &count,
+                                               (efi_handle_t 
+       if (ret != EFI_SUCCESS)
+               return ret;
+       ret = 
+                                                       NULL, (void **)&text));
+       if (ret != EFI_SUCCESS)
+               goto out1;
+       menu_item = calloc(count + 1, sizeof(struct efi_bootmgr_menu_item));
+       if (!menu_item) {
+               ret = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
+               goto out1;
+       }
+       iter = menu_item;
+       for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+               struct efi_bootmgr_volume_entry_data *info;
+               ret = EFI_CALL(systab.boottime->open_protocol(volume_handles[i],
+                                               (void **)&v, efi_root, NULL,
+               if (ret != EFI_SUCCESS)
+                       continue;
+               ret = EFI_CALL(systab.boottime->open_protocol(volume_handles[i],
+                                               &efi_guid_device_path,
+                                               (void **)&device_path, 
efi_root, NULL,
+               if (ret != EFI_SUCCESS)
+                       continue;
+               name = text->convert_device_path_to_text(device_path, true, 
+               if (!name) {
+                       ret = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
+                       goto out2;
+               }
+               info = calloc(1, sizeof(struct efi_bootmgr_volume_entry_data));
+               if (!info) {
+                       ret = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
+                       goto out2;
+               }
+               info->v = v;
+               info->dp = device_path;
+               info->bo = bo;
+               iter->title = name;
+               iter->func = efi_bootmgr_volume_selected;
+               iter->data = info;
+               iter++;
+       }
+       iter->title = u"Quit";
+       iter->func = NULL;
+       iter->data = NULL;
+       count += 1;
+       ret = efi_bootmgr_process_common(menu_item, count, false);
+       iter = menu_item;
+       for (i = 0; i < count - 1; i++) {
+               struct efi_bootmgr_volume_entry_data *p;
+               p = (struct efi_bootmgr_volume_entry_data *)(iter->data);
+               efi_free_pool(iter->title);
+               free(p);
+               iter++;
+       }
+       free(menu_item);
+       efi_free_pool(volume_handles);
+       return ret;
+static efi_status_t efi_bootmgr_select_file(struct efi_bootmgr_boot_option *bo,
+                                           struct efi_file_handle *root)
+       char *buf;
+       u32 i;
+       char *dir_buf;
+       efi_uintn_t len;
+       efi_status_t ret;
+       efi_uintn_t size;
+       u32 count = 0;
+       struct efi_file_handle *f;
+       struct efi_file_info *ptr;
+       struct efi_bootmgr_menu_item *menu_item, *iter;
+       buf = calloc(1, EFI_BOOTMGR_FILE_PATH_MAX);
+       if (!buf)
+               return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
+       while (!bo->file_selected) {
+               size = 0;
+               count = 0;
+               ret = EFI_CALL(root->open(root, &f, bo->current_path,
+                                         EFI_FILE_MODE_READ, 0));
+               if (ret != EFI_SUCCESS)
+                       return ret;
+               /* calculate directory information total size */
+               for (;;) {
+                       len = EFI_BOOTMGR_FILE_PATH_MAX;
+                       ret = EFI_CALL(f->read(f, &len, buf));
+                       if (ret != EFI_SUCCESS || len == 0)
+                               break;
+                       size += len;
+                       count++;
+               }
+               dir_buf = calloc(1, size);
+               if (!dir_buf) {
+                       EFI_CALL(f->close(f));
+                       ret = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
+                       goto out;
+               }
+               menu_item = calloc(count + 1, sizeof(struct 
+               if (!menu_item) {
+                       EFI_CALL(f->close(f));
+                       free(dir_buf);
+                       ret = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
+                       goto out;
+               }
+               /* read directory and construct menu structure */
+               f->setpos(f, 0);
+               iter = menu_item;
+               ptr = (struct efi_file_info *)dir_buf;
+               for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+                       int name_len;
+                       u16 *name;
+                       struct efi_bootmgr_file_entry_data *info;
+                       len = size;
+                       ret = EFI_CALL(f->read(f, &len, ptr));
+                       if (ret != EFI_SUCCESS || len == 0)
+                               goto err;
+                       if (ptr->attribute & EFI_FILE_DIRECTORY) {
+                               /* append u'/' at the end of directory name */
+                               name_len = u16_strsize(ptr->file_name) + 
+                               name = calloc(1, name_len);
+                               if (!name) {
+                                       ret = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
+                                       goto err;
+                               }
+                               u16_strcpy(name, ptr->file_name);
+                               name[u16_strlen(ptr->file_name)] = u'/';
+                       } else {
+                               name_len = u16_strsize(ptr->file_name);
+                               name = calloc(1, name_len);
+                               if (!name) {
+                                       ret = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
+                                       goto err;
+                               }
+                               u16_strcpy(name, ptr->file_name);
+                       }
+                       info = calloc(1, sizeof(struct 
+                       if (!info) {
+                               ret = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
+                               goto err;
+                       }
+                       info->f = ptr;
+                       info->bo = bo;
+                       iter->title = name;
+                       iter->func = efi_bootmgr_file_selected;
+                       iter->data = info;
+                       iter++;
+                       size -= len;
+                       ptr = (struct efi_file_info *)((char *)ptr + len);
+               }
+               /* add "Quit" entry */
+               iter->title = u"Quit";
+               iter->func = NULL;
+               iter->data = NULL;
+               count += 1;
+               ret = efi_bootmgr_process_common(menu_item, count, false);
+               EFI_CALL(f->close(f));
+               iter = menu_item;
+               for (i = 0; i < count - 1; i++, iter++) {
+                       free(iter->title);
+                       free(iter->data);
+               }
+               free(dir_buf);
+               free(menu_item);
+               if (ret != EFI_SUCCESS)
+                       break;
+       }
+       free(buf);
+       return ret;
+static efi_status_t efi_bootmgr_boot_add_enter_name(struct 
efi_bootmgr_boot_option *bo)
+       int c;
+       int len = 0;
+       char name[EFI_BOOTMGR_BOOT_NAME_MAX] = {0};
+       puts(ANSI_CLEAR_CONSOLE);
+       printf(ANSI_CURSOR_POSITION, 1, 1);
+       puts(ANSI_CLEAR_LINE);
+       printf(ANSI_CURSOR_POSITION, 2, 1);
+       puts("  *** U-Boot EFI Boot Manager Menu ***");
+       puts(ANSI_CLEAR_LINE_TO_END);
+       printf(ANSI_CURSOR_POSITION, 3, 1);
+       puts(ANSI_CLEAR_LINE);
+       printf(ANSI_CURSOR_POSITION, 4, 1);
+       puts("  enter name:");
+       puts(ANSI_CLEAR_LINE_TO_END);
+       printf(ANSI_CURSOR_POSITION, 8, 1);
+       puts(ANSI_CLEAR_LINE);
+       puts("  ENTER to complete, ESC/CTRL+C to quit");
+       printf(ANSI_CURSOR_POSITION, 4, 15);
+       puts(ANSI_CURSOR_SHOW);
+       for (;;) {
+               while (!tstc()) {
+                       WATCHDOG_RESET();
+                       mdelay(10);
+               }
+               c = getchar();
+               if ((c == ' ') || (('0' <= c) && (c <= '9')) ||
+                   (('A' <= c) && (c <= 'Z')) || (('a' <= c) && (c <= 'z'))) {
+                       if (len >= (EFI_BOOTMGR_BOOT_NAME_MAX - 1))
+                               continue;
+                       name[len] = (char)c;
+                       len++;
+                       printf(ANSI_CURSOR_POSITION, 4, 15);
+                       puts(ANSI_CLEAR_LINE_TO_END);
+                       printf("%s", name);
+               } else if (c == '\b') {
+                       if (len > 0)
+                               name[--len] = '\0';
+                       printf(ANSI_CURSOR_POSITION, 4, 15);
+                       puts(ANSI_CLEAR_LINE_TO_END);
+                       printf("%s", name);
+               } else if (c == '\r') {
+                       u16 *p;
+                       name[len] = '\0';
+                       p = bo->boot_name;
+                       utf8_utf16_strncpy(&p, name, len);
+                       return EFI_SUCCESS;
+               } else if (c == 0x3) {
+                       return EFI_ABORTED;
+               } else if (c == '\e') { /* TODO: correctly handle escape 
sequence */
+                       return EFI_ABORTED;
+               }
+       }
+static efi_status_t efi_bootmgr_change_boot_order(int selected, int max, int 
+       int c;
+       int len = 0;
+       char new_order[6] = {0};
+       puts(ANSI_CLEAR_CONSOLE);
+       printf(ANSI_CURSOR_POSITION, 1, 1);
+       puts(ANSI_CLEAR_LINE);
+       printf(ANSI_CURSOR_POSITION, 2, 1);
+       puts("  *** U-Boot EFI Boot Manager Menu ***");
+       puts(ANSI_CLEAR_LINE_TO_END);
+       printf(ANSI_CURSOR_POSITION, 3, 1);
+       puts(ANSI_CLEAR_LINE);
+       printf(ANSI_CURSOR_POSITION, 4, 1);
+       printf("  current boot order      : %d", selected);
+       puts(ANSI_CLEAR_LINE_TO_END);
+       printf(ANSI_CURSOR_POSITION, 5, 1);
+       puts(ANSI_CLEAR_LINE);
+       printf(ANSI_CURSOR_POSITION, 6, 1);
+       printf("  new boot order(0 - %4d): ", max);
+       puts(ANSI_CLEAR_LINE_TO_END);
+       printf(ANSI_CURSOR_POSITION, 8, 1);
+       puts(ANSI_CLEAR_LINE);
+       puts("  ENTER to complete, ESC/CTRL+C to quit");
+       printf(ANSI_CURSOR_POSITION, 6, 29);
+       puts(ANSI_CURSOR_SHOW);
+       for (;;) {
+               while (!tstc()) {
+                       WATCHDOG_RESET();
+                       mdelay(10);
+               }
+               c = getchar();
+               if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') {
+                       if (len >= 5)
+                               continue;
+                       new_order[len] = (char)c;
+                       len++;
+                       printf(ANSI_CURSOR_POSITION, 6, 29);
+                       puts(ANSI_CLEAR_LINE_TO_END);
+                       printf("%s", new_order);
+               } else if (c == '\b') {
+                       if (len > 0)
+                               new_order[--len] = '\0';
+                       printf(ANSI_CURSOR_POSITION, 6, 29);
+                       puts(ANSI_CLEAR_LINE_TO_END);
+                       printf("%s", new_order);
+               } else if (c == '\r') {
+                       int i;
+                       int val = 0;
+                       for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
+                               val = (val * 10) + (new_order[i] - '0');
+                       if (val > max) /* TODO: show error notification */
+                               continue;
+                       *new = val;
+                       return EFI_SUCCESS;
+               } else if (c == 0x3) {
+                       return EFI_ABORTED;
+               } else if (c == '\e') { /* TODO: correctly handle escape 
sequence */
+                       return EFI_ABORTED;
+               }
+       }
+static efi_status_t efi_bootmgr_select_file_handler(struct 
efi_bootmgr_boot_option *bo)
+       efi_status_t ret;
+       struct efi_file_handle *root;
+       bo->file_selected = false;
+       while (!bo->file_selected) {
+               bo->current_volume = NULL;
+               memset(bo->current_path, 0, sizeof(bo->current_path));
+               ret = efi_bootmgr_select_volume(bo);
+               if (ret != EFI_SUCCESS)
+                       goto out;
+               if (!bo->current_volume)
+                       return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER;
+               ret = 
EFI_CALL(bo->current_volume->open_volume(bo->current_volume, &root));
+               if (ret != EFI_SUCCESS)
+                       return ret;
+               ret = efi_bootmgr_select_file(bo, root);
+               if (ret != EFI_SUCCESS)
+                       goto out;
+       }
+       ret = efi_bootmgr_boot_add_enter_name(bo);
+       return ret;
+static efi_status_t efi_bootmgr_process_maintenance(void *data, bool *exit)
+       return efi_bootmgr_process_common(maintenance_menu_items,
+                                         ARRAY_SIZE(maintenance_menu_items),
+                                         false);
+static efi_status_t efi_bootmgr_process_add_boot_option(void *data, bool *exit)
+       u32 index;
+       void *p = NULL;
+       char *buf = NULL;
+       efi_status_t ret;
+       char *iter = NULL;
+       u16 var_name[9];
+       u16 *bootorder = NULL;
+       u16 *new_bootorder = NULL;
+       struct efi_load_option lo;
+       efi_uintn_t dp_size, fp_size;
+       efi_uintn_t last, size, new_size;
+       struct efi_bootmgr_boot_option bo;
+       struct efi_device_path_file_path *fp;
+       /* get unused Boot#### */
+       for (index = 0; index <= 0xFFFF; index++) {
+               size = 0;
+               efi_create_indexed_name(var_name, sizeof(var_name), "Boot", 
+               ret = efi_get_variable_int(var_name, &efi_global_variable_guid,
+                                          NULL, &size, NULL, NULL);
+               if (ret == EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL)
+                       continue;
+               else
+                       break;
+       }
+       if (index >= 0xFFFF)
+               return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
+       efi_create_indexed_name(var_name, sizeof(var_name), "Boot", index);
+       bo.current_path = calloc(1, EFI_BOOTMGR_FILE_PATH_MAX);
+       if (!bo.current_path)
+               goto out;
+       bo.boot_name = calloc(1, EFI_BOOTMGR_BOOT_NAME_MAX * sizeof(u16));
+       if (!bo.boot_name)
+               goto out;
+       ret = efi_bootmgr_select_file_handler(&bo);
+       if (ret == EFI_ABORTED)
+               goto out;
+       dp_size = efi_dp_size(bo.dp_volume);
+       fp_size = sizeof(struct efi_device_path) +
+                 ((u16_strlen(bo.current_path) + 1) * sizeof(u16));
+       buf = calloc(1, dp_size + fp_size + sizeof(END));
+       if (!buf)
+               goto out;
+       iter = buf;
+       memcpy(iter, bo.dp_volume, dp_size);
+       iter += dp_size;
+       fp = (struct efi_device_path_file_path *)iter;
+       fp->dp.type = DEVICE_PATH_TYPE_MEDIA_DEVICE;
+       fp->dp.sub_type = DEVICE_PATH_SUB_TYPE_FILE_PATH;
+       fp->dp.length = (u16)fp_size;
+       u16_strcpy(fp->str, bo.current_path);
+       iter += fp_size;
+       *((struct efi_device_path *)iter) = END;
+       lo.file_path = (struct efi_device_path *)buf;
+       lo.file_path_length = efi_dp_size((struct efi_device_path *)buf) + 
+       lo.attributes = LOAD_OPTION_ACTIVE;
+       lo.optional_data = NULL;
+       lo.label = bo.boot_name;
+       size = efi_serialize_load_option(&lo, (u8 **)&p);
+       if (!size) {
+               ret = EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER;
+               goto out;
+       }
+       ret = efi_set_variable_int(var_name, &efi_global_variable_guid,
+                                  EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE |
+                                  EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS |
+                                  EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS,
+                                  size, p, false);
+       if (ret != EFI_SUCCESS)
+               goto out;
+       /* append new boot option */
+       bootorder = efi_get_var(u"BootOrder", &efi_global_variable_guid, &size);
+       last = size / sizeof(u16);
+       new_size = size + sizeof(u16);
+       new_bootorder = calloc(1, new_size);
+       if (!new_bootorder) {
+               ret = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES;
+               goto out;
+       }
+       memcpy(new_bootorder, bootorder, size);
+       new_bootorder[last] = (u16)index;
+       ret = efi_set_variable_int(u"BootOrder", &efi_global_variable_guid,
+                                  EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE |
+                                  EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS |
+                                  EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS,
+                                  new_size, new_bootorder, false);
+       if (ret != EFI_SUCCESS)
+               goto out;
+       free(p);
+       free(buf);
+       free(bootorder);
+       free(new_bootorder);
+       free(bo.boot_name);
+       free(bo.current_path);
+       return ret;
+static efi_status_t efi_bootmgr_process_delete_boot_option(void *data, bool 
+       int selected;
+       u16 *bootorder;
+       u16 var_name[9];
+       efi_status_t ret;
+       efi_uintn_t num, size;
+       bootorder = efi_get_var(u"BootOrder", &efi_global_variable_guid, &size);
+       if (!bootorder) {
+               ret = EFI_NOT_FOUND;
+               return ret;
+       }
+       num = size / sizeof(u16);
+       ret = efi_bootmgr_show_boot_selection(bootorder, num, &selected);
+       if (ret == EFI_SUCCESS) {
+               /* delete selected boot option */
+               efi_create_indexed_name(var_name, sizeof(var_name),
+                                       "Boot", bootorder[selected]);
+               ret = efi_set_variable_int(var_name, &efi_global_variable_guid,
+                                          0, 0, NULL, false);
+               if (ret != EFI_SUCCESS) {
+                       log_err("delete boot option(%ls) failed\n", var_name);
+                       goto out;
+               }
+               /* update BootOrder */
+               memmove(&bootorder[selected], &bootorder[selected + 1],
+                       (num - selected - 1) * sizeof(u16));
+               size -= sizeof(u16);
+               ret = efi_set_variable_int(u"BootOrder", 
+                                          EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE |
+                                          EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS |
+                                          EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS,
+                                          size, bootorder, false);
+               if (ret != EFI_SUCCESS)
+                       goto out;
+       }
+       free(bootorder);
+       return ret;
+static efi_status_t efi_bootmgr_process_change_boot_order(void *data, bool 
+       int selected;
+       int new_order;
+       efi_status_t ret;
+       efi_uintn_t num, size;
+       u16 *bootorder = NULL;
+       u16 *new_bootorder = NULL;
+       bootorder = efi_get_var(u"BootOrder", &efi_global_variable_guid, &size);
+       if (!bootorder)
+               return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
+       num = size / sizeof(u16);
+       ret = efi_bootmgr_show_boot_selection(bootorder, num, &selected);
+       if (ret != EFI_SUCCESS)
+               goto out;
+       ret = efi_bootmgr_change_boot_order(selected, num - 1, &new_order);
+       if (ret != EFI_SUCCESS)
+               goto out;
+       new_bootorder = calloc(1, size);
+       if (!new_bootorder)
+               goto out;
+       memcpy(new_bootorder, bootorder, size);
+       if (selected > new_order) {
+               new_bootorder[new_order] = bootorder[selected];
+               memcpy(&new_bootorder[new_order + 1], &bootorder[new_order],
+                      (selected - new_order) * sizeof(u16));
+       } else if (selected < new_order) {
+               new_bootorder[new_order] = bootorder[selected];
+               memcpy(&new_bootorder[selected], &bootorder[selected + 1],
+                      (new_order - selected) * sizeof(u16));
+       } else {
+               /* nothing to change */
+       }
+       ret = efi_set_variable_int(u"BootOrder", &efi_global_variable_guid,
+                                  EFI_VARIABLE_NON_VOLATILE |
+                                  EFI_VARIABLE_BOOTSERVICE_ACCESS |
+                                  EFI_VARIABLE_RUNTIME_ACCESS,
+                                  size, new_bootorder, false);
+       free(new_bootorder);
+       free(bootorder);
+       return ret;
  * try_load_entry() - try to load image for boot option

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