Fixes the display of the u-boot logo on Apple silicon devices.

Signed-off-by: Janne Grunau <>
 drivers/video/video_bmp.c | 70 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 56 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/video/video_bmp.c b/drivers/video/video_bmp.c
index c8c3fd3549..4d2d961696 100644
--- a/drivers/video/video_bmp.c
+++ b/drivers/video/video_bmp.c
@@ -30,6 +30,18 @@ static uint get_bmp_col_16bpp(struct bmp_color_table_entry 
                ((  >> 3) & 0x001f);
+ * get_bmp_col_x2r10g10b10() - Convert a colour-table entry into a x2r10g10b10 
 pixel value
+ *
+ * Return: value to write to the x2r10g10b10 frame buffer for this palette 
+ */
+static u32 get_bmp_col_x2r10g10b10(struct bmp_color_table_entry *cte)
+       return ((cte->red << 22U) |
+               (cte->green << 12U) |
+               (cte->blue << 2U));
  * write_pix8() - Write a pixel from a BMP image into the framebuffer
@@ -42,8 +54,8 @@ static uint get_bmp_col_16bpp(struct bmp_color_table_entry 
  *     which is either written directly (bpix == 8) or used to look up the
  *     palette to get a colour to write
-static void write_pix8(u8 *fb, uint bpix, struct bmp_color_table_entry 
-                      u8 *bmap)
+static void write_pix8(u8 *fb, uint bpix, enum video_format eformat,
+                      struct bmp_color_table_entry *palette, u8 *bmap)
        if (bpix == 8) {
                *fb++ = *bmap;
@@ -57,6 +69,8 @@ static void write_pix8(u8 *fb, uint bpix, struct 
bmp_color_table_entry *palette,
                        *fb++ = cte->red;
                        *fb++ = cte->green;
                        *fb++ = cte->blue;
+               } else if (eformat == VIDEO_X2R10G10B10) {
+                       *(u32 *)fb = get_bmp_col_x2r10g10b10(cte);
                } else {
                        *fb++ = cte->blue;
                        *fb++ = cte->green;
@@ -66,28 +80,29 @@ static void write_pix8(u8 *fb, uint bpix, struct 
bmp_color_table_entry *palette,
-static void draw_unencoded_bitmap(u8 **fbp, uint bpix, uchar *bmap,
+static void draw_unencoded_bitmap(u8 **fbp, uint bpix,
+                                 enum video_format eformat, uchar *bmap,
                                  struct bmp_color_table_entry *palette,
                                  int cnt)
        u8 *fb = *fbp;
        while (cnt > 0) {
-               write_pix8(fb, bpix, palette, bmap++);
+               write_pix8(fb, bpix, eformat, palette, bmap++);
                fb += bpix / 8;
        *fbp = fb;
-static void draw_encoded_bitmap(u8 **fbp, uint bpix,
+static void draw_encoded_bitmap(u8 **fbp, uint bpix, enum video_format eformat,
                                struct bmp_color_table_entry *palette, u8 *bmap,
                                int cnt)
        u8 *fb = *fbp;
        while (cnt > 0) {
-               write_pix8(fb, bpix, palette, bmap);
+               write_pix8(fb, bpix, eformat, palette, bmap);
                fb += bpix / 8;
@@ -106,6 +121,7 @@ static void video_display_rle8_bitmap(struct udevice *dev,
        int x, y;
        int decode = 1;
        uint bytes_per_pixel = bpix / 8;
+       enum video_format eformat = priv->format;
        debug("%s\n", __func__);
        bmap = (uchar *)bmp + get_unaligned_le32(&bmp->header.data_offset);
@@ -148,7 +164,7 @@ static void video_display_rle8_bitmap(struct udevice *dev,
                                                        cnt = runlen;
-                                                       &fb, bpix,
+                                                       &fb, bpix, eformat,
                                                        bmap, palette, cnt);
                                        x += runlen;
@@ -173,8 +189,9 @@ static void video_display_rle8_bitmap(struct udevice *dev,
                                                cnt = width - x;
                                                cnt = runlen;
-                                       draw_encoded_bitmap(&fb, bpix, palette,
-                                                           &bmap[1], cnt);
+                                       draw_encoded_bitmap(&fb, bpix, eformat,
+                                                           palette, &bmap[1],
+                                                           cnt);
                                x += runlen;
@@ -224,6 +241,7 @@ int video_bmp_display(struct udevice *dev, ulong bmp_image, 
int x, int y,
        unsigned long width, height, byte_width;
        unsigned long pwidth = priv->xsize;
        unsigned colours, bpix, bmp_bpix;
+       enum video_format eformat;
        struct bmp_color_table_entry *palette;
        int hdr_size;
        int ret;
@@ -245,6 +263,7 @@ int video_bmp_display(struct udevice *dev, ulong bmp_image, 
int x, int y,
        colours = 1 << bmp_bpix;
        bpix = VNBITS(priv->bpix);
+       eformat = priv->format;
        if (bpix != 1 && bpix != 8 && bpix != 16 && bpix != 32) {
                printf("Error: %d bit/pixel mode, but BMP has %d bit/pixel\n",
@@ -312,7 +331,7 @@ int video_bmp_display(struct udevice *dev, ulong bmp_image, 
int x, int y,
                for (i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
                        for (j = 0; j < width; j++) {
-                               write_pix8(fb, bpix, palette, bmap);
+                               write_pix8(fb, bpix, eformat, palette, bmap);
                                fb += bpix / 8;
@@ -345,6 +364,16 @@ int video_bmp_display(struct udevice *dev, ulong 
bmp_image, int x, int y,
                                                        (bmap[0] >> 3);
                                                bmap += 3;
                                                fb += 2;
+                                       } else if (eformat == 
VIDEO_X2R10G10B10) {
+                                               u32 pix;
+                                               pix = *bmap++ << 2U;
+                                               pix |= *bmap++ << 12U;
+                                               pix |= *bmap++ << 22U;
+                                               *fb++ = pix & 0xff;
+                                               *fb++ = (pix >> 8) & 0xff;
+                                               *fb++ = (pix >> 16) & 0xff;
+                                               *fb++ = pix >> 24;
                                        } else {
                                                *fb++ = *bmap++;
                                                *fb++ = *bmap++;
@@ -361,10 +390,23 @@ int video_bmp_display(struct udevice *dev, ulong 
bmp_image, int x, int y,
                if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_BMP_32BPP)) {
                        for (i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
                                for (j = 0; j < width; j++) {
-                                       *fb++ = *bmap++;
-                                       *fb++ = *bmap++;
-                                       *fb++ = *bmap++;
-                                       *fb++ = *bmap++;
+                                       if (eformat == VIDEO_X2R10G10B10) {
+                                               u32 pix;
+                                               pix = *bmap++ << 2U;
+                                               pix |= *bmap++ << 12U;
+                                               pix |= *bmap++ << 22U;
+                                               pix |= (*bmap++ >> 6) << 30U;
+                                               *fb++ = pix & 0xff;
+                                               *fb++ = (pix >> 8) & 0xff;
+                                               *fb++ = (pix >> 16) & 0xff;
+                                               *fb++ = pix >> 24;
+                                       } else {
+                                               *fb++ = *bmap++;
+                                               *fb++ = *bmap++;
+                                               *fb++ = *bmap++;
+                                               *fb++ = *bmap++;
+                                       }
                                fb -= priv->line_length + width * (bpix / 8);

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