> The bootflow feature provide a built-in way for U-Boot to automatically
> boot an Operating System without custom scripting and other customisation.
> This is called 'standard boot' since it provides a standard way for
> U-Boot to boot a distro, without scripting.
> It introduces the following concepts:
>    - bootdev - a device which can hold a distro
>    - bootmeth - a method to scan a bootdev to find bootflows (owned by
>                 U-Boot)
>    - bootflow - a description of how to boot (owned by the distro)
> This series provides an implementation of these, enabled to scan for
> bootflows from MMC, USB and Ethernet. It supports the existing distro
> boot as well as the EFI loader flow (bootefi/bootmgr). It works
> similiarly to the existing script-based approach, but is native to
> U-Boot.
> With this we can boot on a Raspberry Pi 3 with just one command:
>    bootflow scan -lb
> which means to scan, listing (-l) each bootflow and trying to boot each
> one (-b). The final patch shows this.

I wanted to give this a try, but I only get the following output:

=> setenv boot_targets usb0
=> bootflow scan -lb
Scanning for bootflows in all bootdevs
Seq  Method       State   Uclass    Part  Name                      Filename
---  -----------  ------  --------  ----  ------------------------  
Unknown seq 0 for label 'usb0'
---  -----------  ------  --------  ----  ------------------------  
(0 bootflows, 0 valid)

where usb0 is a debian installation medium.


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