> Subject: Re: imx8mm-evk does not boot kernel 5.16
> Hi Tim,
> On Mon, Jan 17, 2022 at 2:09 PM Tim Harvey <thar...@gateworks.com>
> wrote:
> > Interesting. Can you give us a breakdown of pros and cons of using
> > mainline TF-A vs NXP's? I'm not clear if NXP has been actively pushing
> > their changes up or not and haven't had time to follow the commits for
> > either project.
I will check what's wrong, the mainline TF-A should work before. Although 
there's some code gap between downstream vs upstream,
the basic function should be ok before, and some community guys have used it 
for their project for a while.

Jacky Bai
> I am not following TF-A i.MX development in upstream, so I cannot comment
> myself.
> Added Jacky on Cc, who is involved with i.MX TF-A development and could
> probably explain.

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