> -----Original Message-----
> From: Albert ARIBAUD [mailto:albert.arib...@free.fr] 
> Sent: Monday, November 22, 2010 8:02 PM
> To: Premi, Sanjeev
> Cc: Wolfgang Denk; u-boot@lists.denx.de
> Subject: Re: Build failures with older toolchain
> Le 22/11/2010 14:50, Premi, Sanjeev a écrit :
> > Tried the same stuff for overo and no issues!
> >
> > Since there linker scripts are same between omap3_evm, omap3_beagle
> > and omap3_overo, only difference could have been board 
> specific code.
> >
> > I was hoping to find some code that might be offending the linker;
> > unable to find by inspection, I reduced the default configuration
> > for the evm to as low as I could - still see:
> >
> > arm-none-linux-gnueabi-ld: section .bss [800fe358 ->  
> 800fee1b] overlaps section .rel.dyn [800fe358 ->  8010076f]
> > arm-none-linux-gnueabi-ld: u-boot: section .bss vma 
> 0x800fe358 overlaps previous sections
> >
> > I am still not sure why the start of .bss and .rel.dyn for 
> omap3_evm start at same address
> That is because they are voluntarily overlapped. This looks like the 
> patch I recently did, which in essence does overlap BSS (which is not 
> used before relocation) and relocation tables (which are not 
> used after 
> relocation) so that the FLASH and RAM footprint remain minimal.

[sp] Are you referring to this patch?

     I see the change for arm926ejs/u-boot.lds and armv7/u-boot.lds
     to be similar.

     Your commit mentions about the new ld vs. old; I had seen this
     earlier as well. It was the reason for me to try CodeSourcery
     Lite 2010-q1 but there I get a different error - mentioned in my
     first post.

     Which toolchain version are you using?


> This should not result in a linker message unless the .lds does not 
> follow the same structure (order and attributes of output 
> sections) as, 
> for instance, the arm926ejs u-boot.lds.
> > but
> >
> > Looking for more pointers!
> > Specifically, a "big" generic change that somehow didn't 
> touch the omap3evm; but did touch others.
> > ....will start looking at the git-log immediately after this mail.
> >
> > ~sanjeev
> Look up the u-boot.lds files. Are they shared?
> Amicalement,
> -- 
> Albert.
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