
On 21/11/2021 14.52, Rasmus Villemoes wrote:
> The build system already automatically looks for and includes an
> in-tree *-u-boot.dtsi when building the control .dtb. However, there
> are some things that are awkward to maintain in such an in-tree file,
> most notably the metadata associated to public keys used for verified
> boot.
> The only "official" API to get that metadata into the .dtb is via
> mkimage, as a side effect of building an actual signed image. But
> there are multiple problems with that. First of all, the final U-Boot
> (be it U-Boot proper or an SPL) image is built based on a binary
> image, the .dtb, and possibly some other binary artifacts. So
> modifying the .dtb after the build requires the meta-buildsystem
> (Yocto, buildroot, whatnot) to know about and repeat some of the steps
> that are already known to and handled by U-Boot's build system,
> resulting in needless duplication of code. It's also somewhat annoying
> and inconsistent to have a .dtb file in the build folder which is not
> generated by the command listed in the corresponding .cmd file (that
> of course applies to any generated file).
> So the contents of the /signature node really needs to be baked into
> the .dtb file when it is first created, which means providing the
> relevant data in the form of a .dtsi file. One could in theory put
> that data into the *-u-boot.dtsi file, but it's more convenient to be
> able to provide it externally: For example, when developing for a
> customer, it's common to use a set of dummy keys for development,
> while the consultants do not (and should not) have access to the
> actual keys used in production. For such a setup, it's easier if the
> keys used are chosen via the meta-buildsystem and the path(s) patched
> in during the configure step. And of course, nothing prevents anybody
> from having DEVICE_TREE_INCLUDES point at files maintained in git, or
> for that matter from including the public key metadata in the
> *-u-boot.dtsi directly and ignore this feature.
> There are other uses for this, e.g. in combination with ENV_IMPORT_FDT
> it can be used for providing the contents of the /config/environment
> node, so I don't want to tie this exclusively to use for verified
> boot.
> Reviewed-by: Simon Glass <>
> Signed-off-by: Rasmus Villemoes <>
> ---
> v2: rebase to current master, add paragraph to
> doc/develop/devicetree/control.rst as suggested by Simon. I've taken
> the liberty of keeping his R-b tag as this mostly just repeats what is
> in the Kconfig help text and commit message.
>  doc/develop/devicetree/control.rst | 18 ++++++++++++++++++
>  dts/Kconfig                        |  9 +++++++++
>  scripts/Makefile.lib               |  3 +++
>  3 files changed, 30 insertions(+)
> diff --git a/doc/develop/devicetree/control.rst 
> b/doc/develop/devicetree/control.rst
> index 0e6f85d5af..ff008ba943 100644
> --- a/doc/develop/devicetree/control.rst
> +++ b/doc/develop/devicetree/control.rst
> @@ -182,6 +182,24 @@ main file, in this order::
>  Only one of these is selected but of course you can #include another one 
> within
>  that file, to create a hierarchy of shared files.
> +
> +External .dtsi fragments
> +------------------------
> +
> +Apart from describing the hardware present, U-Boot also uses its
> +control dtb for various configuration purposes. For example, the
> +public key(s) used for Verified Boot are embedded in a specific format
> +in a /signature node.
> +
> +As mentioned above, the U-Boot build system automatically includes a
> +*-u-boot.dtsi file, if found, containing U-Boot specific
> +quirks. However, some data, such as the mentioned public keys, are not
> +appropriate for upstream U-Boot but are better kept and maintained
> +outside the U-Boot repository. You can use CONFIG_DEVICE_TREE_INCLUDES
> +to specify a list of .dtsi files that will also be included when
> +building .dtb files.
> +
> +
>  Relocation, SPL and TPL
>  -----------------------
> diff --git a/dts/Kconfig b/dts/Kconfig
> index b7c4a2fec0..1f8debf1a8 100644
> --- a/dts/Kconfig
> +++ b/dts/Kconfig
> @@ -131,6 +131,15 @@ config DEFAULT_DEVICE_TREE
>         It can be overridden from the command line:
>         $ make DEVICE_TREE=<device-tree-name>
> +       string "Extra .dtsi files to include when building DT control"
> +     depends on OF_CONTROL
> +     help
> +       U-Boot's control .dtb is usually built from an in-tree .dts
> +       file, plus (if available) an in-tree U-Boot-specific .dtsi
> +       file. This option specifies a space-separated list of extra
> +       .dtsi files that will also be used.
> +
>  config OF_LIST
>       string "List of device tree files to include for DT control"
>       depends on SPL_LOAD_FIT || MULTI_DTB_FIT
> diff --git a/scripts/Makefile.lib b/scripts/Makefile.lib
> index 39f03398ed..4ab422c231 100644
> --- a/scripts/Makefile.lib
> +++ b/scripts/Makefile.lib
> @@ -318,8 +318,11 @@ endif
>  quiet_cmd_dtc = DTC     $@
>  # Modified for U-Boot
>  # Bring in any U-Boot-specific include at the end of the file
> +# And finally any custom .dtsi fragments specified with 
>  cmd_dtc = mkdir -p $(dir ${dtc-tmp}) ; \
>       (cat $<; $(if $(u_boot_dtsi),echo '$(pound)include "$(u_boot_dtsi)"')) 
> > $(pre-tmp); \
> +     $(foreach f,$(subst $(quote),,$(CONFIG_DEVICE_TREE_INCLUDES)), \
> +       echo '$(pound)include "$(f)"' >> $(pre-tmp);) \
>       $(HOSTCC) -E $(dtc_cpp_flags) -x assembler-with-cpp -o $(dtc-tmp) 
> $(pre-tmp) ; \
>       $(DTC) -O dtb -o $@ -b 0 \
>               -i $(dir $<) $(DTC_FLAGS) \

Rasmus Villemoes
Software Developer
Prevas A/S
Hedeager 3
DK-8200 Aarhus N
+45 51210274

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