Hi There, I am using a omap3 based board and U-Boot version when I do "i2c probe", this results in : 38 3C 3D 3F.
I found that Kernel TWL is dumping messages to 48 49 4A & 4B. I tried the the same on the "reference board and the corresponding u-boot" supplied from Mistral , when I type "iprobe", I get the output: 48 49 4A 4B. I further verified that on my board, if I do "i2c mw 0x3C 0 0x34 0x10" I am able to write into I2C and "i2c md 0x3C 0 0x10" I am able to read back . This however, works only on 0x3c. "mw" & "md" are working on 0x3c only. 38, 3d & 3f are returning error. I could not understand what is missing here? How come my board U-boot is getting a chip id different? is there a setting that I can do? my Hardware engineer says the OMAP3 connections are same between our board and evm board. ideally my question boils down to: how can I get the device ids correctly (or is it possible to change them)? Thanks & regards Murali _______________________________________________ U-Boot mailing list U-Boot@lists.denx.de http://lists.denx.de/mailman/listinfo/u-boot