On 01/11/2021 12:07, Alper Nebi Yasak wrote:
> I'm trying this with "load mmc 0:1 0xd0000000 /bigfile $size" and getting
> the following speeds; and with "mmc info" the following differences:
>     gru-kevin mmc0      | w/o this series           | w/ this series
>     --------------------+---------------------------+-------------------
>     Bus Speed           | 52000000                  | 200000000
>     Mode                | MMC High Speed (52MHz)    | HS400ES (200 MHz)
>     8MiB Load Speed     | ~9.5 MiB/s                | ~51.5 MiB/s
>     256MiB Load Speed   | ~177.8 MiB/s              | ~114.5 MiB/s

I have messed this table up while reformatting it from one orientation
to another... The last two rows are transposed, and are instead:

>     8MiB Load Speed     | ~9.5 MiB/s                | ~177.8 MiB/s
>     256MiB Load Speed   | ~51.5 MiB/s               | ~114.5 MiB/s

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