On Sat, Oct 30, 2021 at 04:31:48PM +0300, Ramon Fried wrote:
> > > > > Ping for apply?
> > > > I'll get to the patches today.
> > > > thanks for waking me up :)
> >
> > Why don't you apply patches immediately after reviewing them?
> It wouldn't make a difference. you were all working on the same file
> in code, If I would have applied bin's patches before yours, then you
> would need to rebase.
> simple as that. Also the time when I'm applying and when I'm reviewing
> is also meaningless because this problem would occur anyway.

I know, I was reacting to the 'thanks for waking me up' part.
Honestly I don't see the point of going through some patches, marking
them as reviewed, then waiting for 2 more weeks to apply them (or even
more in other cases). It slows down the process for a reason that I
can't see.

Maybe the thinking is along the lines of "I won't apply patches that
haven't marinated for long enough". But my patches (the ones conflicting
with Bin's) still had build warnings even after marinating for close to
one month (fixes for which I've sent just now). During that time, I had
also piled up a few non-critical fixes to those patches, but I wasn't
going to modify the patch set already in flight anyway, for fear of
waiting again for who knows how long. Incremental fixups are fine and
surely are a valid way of doing development too, so that argument kinda
falls off the table. What's left?

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