On 10/27/21 16:55, Tom Rini wrote:
On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 03:23:01PM +0200, Heinrich Schuchardt wrote:

One passed to U-Boot for fixups and further passed to the OS. This
devicetree may originate from a prior boot stage, from a file loaded by
U-Boot, or from a later bootstage, e.g systemd-boot's devicetree command.

I assume systemd-boot is implementing the same logic that extlinux.conf
has used for forever, yes?

It is loading the file and then calls U-Boot's implementation of the EFI Device Tree Fixup Protocol for fixups before passing the device-tree to the OS.

This devicetree will not contain any U-Boot specific information.

To repeat, it must only have official bindings, yes, regardless of what
project they come from.

Don't expect prior firmware stages to provide any U-Boot specific stuff whatever official or non-official U-Boot specific bindings exist.

Best regards


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