Hi Simon, gitlab reported the following test error below:
=================================== FAILURES =================================== __________________________ test_ut[ut_dm_rtc_set_get] __________________________ test/py/tests/test_ut.py:43: in test_ut assert output.endswith('Failures: 0') E AssertionError: assert False E + where False = <built-in method endswith of str object at 0x7f3bb792dcb0>('Failures: 0') E + where <built-in method endswith of str object at 0x7f3bb792dcb0> = 'Test: dm_test_rtc_set_get: rtc.c\r\r\nexpected: 27/10/2021 03:38:15\r\r\nactual: 27/10/2021 03:38:14\r\r\ntest/dm/rtc...w, &cmp, 1): Expected 0x0 (0), got 0xffffffea (-22)\r\r\nTest: dm_test_rtc_set_get: rtc.c (flat tree)\r\r\nFailures: 1'.endswith ----------------------------- Captured stdout call ----------------------------- => See https://source.denx.de/u-boot/custodians/u-boot-x86/-/jobs/341905 But the same branch same commit, azure test results passed: https://dev.azure.com/bmeng/GitHub/_build/results?buildId=460&view=results It looks like the error is an off-by-one where actual time is 1 second behind the expected time? expected: 27/10/2021 03:38:15 actual: 27/10/2021 03:38:14 Is this a known issue? Regards, Bin