On Tue, 26 Oct 2021 08:14:28 -0700
Roman Bacik <roman.ba...@broadcom.com> wrote:

> Hi Marek,
> We do not want this driver to be automatically probed. It is not needed
> all the time and also slows down the boot time. We have stripped down
> everything else to bare minimum.
> Thanks,
> Roman

Hi Roman,

OK, that is reasonable, but not reasonable enough to introduce a new
vendor specific command.

Still NAK.

So you have the bnxt_drv_probe method defined in the driver, but you
don't set a pointer to it into the U_BOOT_DRIVER structure, and instead
you call this method when "brcm probe" command is called.

I think this introduction of another vendor specific command is wrong.

If probing takes too much time and should be done only when the device
is needed, there are 2 things you could do:

- you can create new driver flag saying that the device should be
  probeb only when needed, wire necessary code and add this flag to your
  driver (this could get very complicated, though)
- you can do minimum stuff in probe method, and move the stuff that
  takes long time into bnxt_start(), which is called only when network
  via this ethernet controller is requested for by U-Boot commands.

Also, you're still doing

+       if (env_get("ethaddr"))
+               secondary = 1;

in your driver, which is completely against DM.


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