Dear Scott,
        I have disassemble the nand_base.o file,because i know the problem
happened here. Do you think it's useful for your analysis?

00001a4c <nand_scan_tail>:
 1749     1a4c:   e92d4070    push    {r4, r5, r6, lr}
 1750     1a50:   e590509c    ldr r5, [r0, #156]
 1751     1a54:   e595304c    ldr r3, [r5, #76]
 1752     1a58:   e3130701    tst r3, #262144 ; 0x40000
 1753     1a5c:   e1a06000    mov r6, r0
 1754     1a60:   1a000002    bne 1a70 <nand_scan_tail+0x24>
 1755     1a64:   e59f04ec    ldr r0, [pc, #1260] ; 1f58 <nand_scan_tail
 1756     1a68:   ebfffffe    bl  0 <malloc>
 1757     1a6c:   e58500dc    str r0, [r5, #220]
 1758     1a70:   e59510dc    ldr r1, [r5, #220]
 1759     1a74:   e3510000    cmp r1, #0  ; 0x0
 1760     1a78:   03e0000b    mvneq   r0, #11 ; 0xb
 1761     1a7c:   08bd8070    popeq   {r4, r5, r6, pc}
 1762     1a80:   e5963014    ldr r3, [r6, #20]
 1763     1a84:   e59520b0    ldr r2, [r5, #176]
 1764     1a88:   e0813003    add r3, r1, r3
by the way,I cann't find the prototype of malloc in the whole project,it
seems that it is encapsulated in some libs.
Best regards,

在 2010-11-11四的 13:49 -0600,Scott Wood写道:
> On Thu, 11 Nov 2010 23:06:01 +0800
> terry <> wrote:
> > Dear everyone,
> > I'm using u-boot-2010.09. After I download u-boot.bin to my boards(cpu
> > is s3c2410),the output from serial shows that cpu has exception, the
> > information list as following:
> > U-Boot 2010.09 (Nov 11 2010 - 21:55:07)
> > 
> > U-Boot code: 33F80000 -> 33FA0BDC  BSS: -> 33FA45EC
> > RAM Configuration:
> > Bank #0: 30000000 64 MiB
> > NAND:  data abort
> > pc : [<33f8fbb4>]          lr : [<33f85f70>]
> > sp : 33f07fac  ip : 00000000     fp : 00000000
> > r10: 00001298  r9 : ffffff7f     r8 : 33f4ffe0
> > r7 : 00000000  r6 : 33fa3b50     r5 : 33fa3c00  r4 : 33fa0274
> > r3 : 33f9ff54  r2 : 00000064     r1 : 00000001  r0 : cc33cc33
> > Flags: NzCv  IRQs off  FIQs off  Mode SVC_32
> > Resetting CPU ...
> > 
> > value of pc locate at <malloc> function, value of lr locate at
> > <nand_scan_tail>(/drivers/mtd/nand/nand_base.c).
> Could you look up the specific line numbers of
> 0x33f8fbb4 and 0x33f85f6c, and show a few lines of disassembly around
> those addresses?
> -Scott

Best regards,

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