On Sun, 2010-11-07 at 20:44 +0000, Andrew Holt (SE) wrote:
> Hi,
> I hadn't, but I will, Thanks.
> I did find include/exports.h
> Another question would be, I guess exports.h holds a subset of routines that 
> 'could' be called by a standalone.  Is there a list of potential candidates ?
> Can you give me any guidance with regard to implementing the U-Boot API on 
> SuperH ?
> What are the licences implications of a standalone calling these things ?
> Thanks for your help, it's good to know there is somebody out there :)

Its worth mentioning there are 2 external application interfaces, the
older "Standalone Application" described in doc/README.standalone, and
newer "Standalone API" described in api/README.  I don't use the
interfaces for non-GPL code or with the SuperH, so can't provide much
input on the above questions.


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