On Mon, Sep 13, 2021 at 01:08:06PM +0200, Pali Rohár wrote:
> On Monday 13 September 2021 12:42:42 Wolfgang Denk wrote:
> > Dear Pali Rohár,
> > 
> > In message <20210910204653.3066-1-p...@kernel.org> you wrote:
> > > Now when command loady can be aborted / cancelled by CTRL+C, change wait
> > > timeout for initial packet to infinite. This would allow user to not be
> > > hurry when locating file which want to send. Commands loadb and loads
> > > already waits infinitely too.
> > 
> > I'm not sure if this is a good idea.
> > 
> > If you use loady in any kind of scripts, this would now hard hang
> > the system, while until now it was possible to recover from the
> > error.
> Yes, this is a good point. But on the other hand, 'loadb' and 'loads'
> commands already have this behavior. So question is if it is better to
> have same behavior in all 'load?' commands or each 'load?' would behave
> differently... Because for software which transmit files and supports
> more protocols (e.g. both x-modem and kermit) it may be a nightmare if
> receiver behaves differently...
> > This is a change to the user interface that is not really necessary,
> > so I recommend NOT to change the behaviour here, especially as it
> > does not hurt.
> Well... there is an issue if you do not start file transfer in the
> timeout which current 'loady' command expects.
> If you do not have integrated y-modem support in your terminal you have
> to do:
> 1) open terminal and write 'loady' into U-Boot console
> 2) disconnect terminal
> 3) start y-modem software
> 4) choose file to transmit
> 5) instruct y-modem software to start transfer

So, when does this happen?  It's been a long long time since I used
minicom, but I know in screen you can do a filter to trigger the
transfer, ie:
:exec !! /home/trini/bin/load-boot-xymodem.sh
is one of the things in my notes and little script is just to sx SPL and
then sx --ymodem U-Boot itself.  I know tmux is the preferred tool of
power users these days but I assume it can do similar.


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