On Thu, Sep 02, 2021 at 07:54:20PM -0500, Alexandru Gagniuc wrote:

> MD5 is being called directly in some places, but it is not available
> via hash_lookup_algo("md5"). This is inconsistent with other hasing
> routines. To resolve this, add an "md5" entry to hash_algos[].
> The #ifdef clause looks funnier than those for other entries. This is
> because both MD5 and SPL_MD5 configs exist, whereas the other hashes
> do not have "SPL_" entries. The long term plan is to get rid of the
> ifdefs, so those should not be expected to survive much longer.
> The md5 entry does not have .hash_init/update/finish members. That's
> okay because hash_progressive_lookup_algo() will catch that, and
> return -EPROTONOSUPPORT, while hash_lookup_algo() will return the
> correct pointer.
> Signed-off-by: Alexandru Gagniuc <mr.nuke...@gmail.com>

With a fix to CONFIG_IS_ENABLED(MD5), applied to u-boot/master, thanks!


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