Hi Bin,

On Sat, 31 Jul 2021 at 02:45, Bin Meng <bmeng...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This actually reverts the following 2 commits:
> commit 427911001809 ("x86: Set up the MTRR for SDRAM")
> commit d46c0932a9d4 ("x86: fsp: Adjust calculations for MTRR range and DRAM 
> top")
> There are several outstanding issues as to why:
> * For FSP1, the system memory and reserved memory used by FSP are
>   already programmed in the MTRR by FSP.
> * The 'mtrr_top' mistakenly includes TSEG memory range that has the
>   same RES_MEM_RESERVED resource type. Its address is programmed
>   and reported by FSP to be near the top of 4 GiB space, which is
>   not what we want for SDRAM.
> * The call to mtrr_add_request() is not guaranteed to have its size
>   to be exactly the power of 2. This causes reserved bits of the
>   IA32_MTRR_PHYSMASK register to be written which generates #GP.
> Signed-off-by: Bin Meng <bmeng...@gmail.com>
> ---
>  arch/x86/lib/fsp/fsp_dram.c | 35 ++++++++++-------------------------
>  1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)

Unfortunately this makes coral (FSP2) go *very* slowly. Can you
perhaps do this change just for FSP1?


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