Hey all,

I started taking a look at moving to guestfish to see if this resolves
the latest problem I've run in to:
which I think is due to guestmount not being done in time for the test.
So I started converting things to use guestfish directly:

diff --git a/test/py/tests/test_fs/conftest.py 
index 7325486cdb1a..e8899cfdd118 100644
--- a/test/py/tests/test_fs/conftest.py
+++ b/test/py/tests/test_fs/conftest.py
@@ -265,10 +265,10 @@ def fs_obj_basic(request, u_boot_config):
     fs_ubtype = fstype_to_ubname(fs_type)
     check_ubconfig(u_boot_config, fs_ubtype)
-    mount_dir = u_boot_config.persistent_data_dir + '/mnt'
+    data_dir = u_boot_config.persistent_data_dir + '/data'
-    small_file = mount_dir + '/' + SMALL_FILE
-    big_file = mount_dir + '/' + BIG_FILE
+    small_file = data_dir + '/' + SMALL_FILE
+    big_file = data_dir + '/' + BIG_FILE
@@ -279,26 +279,14 @@ def fs_obj_basic(request, u_boot_config):
-        check_call('mkdir -p %s' % mount_dir, shell=True)
+        check_call('mkdir -p %s' % data_dir, shell=True)
     except CalledProcessError as err:
         pytest.skip('Preparing mount folder failed for filesystem: ' + fs_type 
+ '. {}'.format(err))
         call('rm -f %s' % fs_img, shell=True)
-        # Mount the image so we can populate it.
-        mount_fs(fs_type, fs_img, mount_dir)
-    except CalledProcessError as err:
-        pytest.skip('Mounting to folder failed for filesystem: ' + fs_type + 
'. {}'.format(err))
-        call('rmdir %s' % mount_dir, shell=True)
-        call('rm -f %s' % fs_img, shell=True)
-        return
-    try:
-        # Create a subdirectory.
-        check_call('mkdir %s/SUBDIR' % mount_dir, shell=True)
-        # Create big file in this image.
+        # Create big file to copy in to the image.
         # Note that we work only on the start 1MB, couple MBs in the 2GB range
         # and the last 1 MB of the huge 2.5GB file.
         # So, just put random values only in those areas.
@@ -309,10 +297,14 @@ def fs_obj_basic(request, u_boot_config):
         check_call('dd if=/dev/urandom of=%s bs=1M count=1 seek=2499'
             % big_file, shell=True)
-        # Create a small file in this image.
+        # Create a small file to copy in to the image.
         check_call('dd if=/dev/urandom of=%s bs=1M count=1'
            % small_file, shell=True)
+        # Copy the files in to the image and add a subdirectory.
+        # Create a subdirectory.
+        check_call('guestfish add %s : run : mount /dev/sda / : mkdir /SUBDIR 
: copy-in %s %s /'
+            % (fs_img, big_file, small_file), shell=True)
         # Delete the small file copies which possibly are written as part of a
         # previous test.
         # check_call('rm -f "%s.w"' % MB1, shell=True)
@@ -357,13 +349,11 @@ def fs_obj_basic(request, u_boot_config):
     except CalledProcessError as err:
         pytest.skip('Setup failed for filesystem: ' + fs_type + '. 
-        umount_fs(mount_dir)
-        umount_fs(mount_dir)
         yield [fs_ubtype, fs_img, md5val]
-        call('rmdir %s' % mount_dir, shell=True)
+        call('rmdir %s' % data_dir, shell=True)
         call('rm -f %s' % fs_img, shell=True)

The problem here is that a test run went from taking about 5 minutes to
taking about 17 minutes.  I can reduce this to closer to 15 minutes with
LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND=direct and using libguestfs-make-fixed-appliance to
make an appliance we reuse.  But that's still too long to be usable.
I'm hoping someone has some ideas here on how to improve things.


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