These patch set have been refreshed and created against
mainline master branch.

These patches changes from previous "PATCH v3: NDS32: Add NDS32 
architecture support to u-boot."

In order to make these patches could be easily review and maintained,
I've split the original Patch v3 into small pieces.

Necessary header files for the later patches has been sent already in:
[PATCH v4 00/01] NDS32: Add NDS32 architecture support to u-boot.
  nds32: add header files support for nds32
   - "PATCH v4" here means there are only header files which has 
      been clean up already for replacing the previous Patch sets v1-v3.

CPU and other SoC related stuff has been reorganized based on these
header files, so a new patch set should be started.

The following two patches provides the necessary functions for 
supporting N1213 cpu core in u-boot. These files provides the 
link script and the start.S of N1213 cpu core. 
File common.h is also required to be changed to support these files.

Macpaul Lin (2):
  nds32: add NDS32 support into common header file
  nds32/Core_N1213: add N1213 cpu core support for NDS32 arch


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