On Sat, May 08, 2021 at 12:02:21AM +0800, Darren Ng wrote:

> (Hello, from a U-Boot NOOB.)
> Issue
> -----
> After sending u-boot-spl.bin with xmodem, the serial debug port seems to
> hang.
> Neither "...U-Boot SPL...\n...\nTrying to boot from UART..."
> nor "CCC..." shows up in minicom.
> Always 0% if I try sending u-boot.img with xmodem anyway.
> Target Device
> -------------
> Seeed Studio BeagleBone® Green Wireless
> https://seeeddoc.github.io/Beaglebone_green_wireless/
> https://wiki.seeedstudio.com/BeagleBone_Green_Wireless/#hardware-overview
> https://source.denx.de/u-boot/u-boot/-/commits/master/configs/am335x_boneblack_vboot_defconfig
> Matrix
> ------
> This issue applies to tags ever since v2021.01. In the following table:
> (x) - This issue applies.
> (O) - I can send both u-boot-spl.bin and u-boot.img
>       then execute u-boot commands without trouble.
> ------
> tag          result
> ------------ ------------------
> v2021.07-rc1 (x) hangs
> v2021.04     (x) hangs
> v2021.01     (x) hangs
> v2020.10     (O) success

It looks like something broke between v2020.10 and v2021.01 then.  Since
you have a testcase, using "git bisect" should help figure out which
exact commit broke things.


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