Signed-off-by: Marek Vasut <>
 board/lubbock/Makefile        |   10 +-
 board/lubbock/       |    3 -
 board/lubbock/lowlevel_init.S |  411 -----------------------------------------
 board/lubbock/lubbock.c       |   22 +-
 include/configs/lubbock.h     |    8 +-
 5 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 432 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 board/lubbock/
 delete mode 100644 board/lubbock/lowlevel_init.S

diff --git a/board/lubbock/Makefile b/board/lubbock/Makefile
index 6592307..2853bca 100644
--- a/board/lubbock/Makefile
+++ b/board/lubbock/Makefile
@@ -27,17 +27,15 @@ include $(TOPDIR)/
 LIB    = $(obj)lib$(BOARD).a
 COBJS  := lubbock.o flash.o
-SOBJS  := lowlevel_init.o
-SRCS   := $(SOBJS:.o=.S) $(COBJS:.o=.c)
+SRCS   := $(COBJS:.o=.c)
 OBJS   := $(addprefix $(obj),$(COBJS))
-SOBJS  := $(addprefix $(obj),$(SOBJS))
-$(LIB):        $(obj).depend $(OBJS) $(SOBJS)
-       $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $@ $(OBJS) $(SOBJS)
+$(LIB):        $(obj).depend $(OBJS)
+       $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $@ $(OBJS)
-       rm -f $(SOBJS) $(OBJS)
+       rm -f $(OBJS)
 distclean:     clean
        rm -f $(LIB) core *.bak $(obj).depend
diff --git a/board/lubbock/ b/board/lubbock/
deleted file mode 100644
index f30f695..0000000
--- a/board/lubbock/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-#CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE = 0xa1700000
-CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE = 0xa3080000
diff --git a/board/lubbock/lowlevel_init.S b/board/lubbock/lowlevel_init.S
deleted file mode 100644
index db6f69d..0000000
--- a/board/lubbock/lowlevel_init.S
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,411 +0,0 @@
- * Most of this taken from Redboot hal_platform_setup.h with cleanup
- *
- * NOTE: I haven't clean this up considerably, just enough to get it
- * running. See hal_platform_setup.h for the source. See
- * board/cradle/lowlevel_init.S for another PXA250 setup that is
- * much cleaner.
- *
- * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
- * project.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
- * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
- * MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
-#include <config.h>
-#include <version.h>
-#include <asm/arch/pxa-regs.h>
-/* wait for coprocessor write complete */
-   .macro CPWAIT reg
-   mrc  p15,0,\reg,c2,c0,0
-   mov  \reg,\reg
-   sub  pc,pc,#4
-   .endm
- *     Memory setup
- */
-.globl lowlevel_init
-    mov      r10, lr
-       /* Set up GPIO pins first ----------------------------------------- */
-       ldr             r0,     =GPSR0
-       ldr             r1,     =CONFIG_SYS_GPSR0_VAL
-       str             r1,   [r0]
-       ldr             r0,     =GPSR1
-       ldr             r1,     =CONFIG_SYS_GPSR1_VAL
-       str             r1,   [r0]
-       ldr             r0,     =GPSR2
-       ldr             r1,     =CONFIG_SYS_GPSR2_VAL
-       str             r1,   [r0]
-       ldr             r0,     =GPCR0
-       ldr             r1,     =CONFIG_SYS_GPCR0_VAL
-       str             r1,   [r0]
-       ldr             r0,     =GPCR1
-       ldr             r1,     =CONFIG_SYS_GPCR1_VAL
-       str             r1,   [r0]
-       ldr             r0,     =GPCR2
-       ldr             r1,     =CONFIG_SYS_GPCR2_VAL
-       str             r1,   [r0]
-       ldr             r0,     =GPDR0
-       ldr             r1,     =CONFIG_SYS_GPDR0_VAL
-       str             r1,   [r0]
-       ldr             r0,     =GPDR1
-       ldr             r1,     =CONFIG_SYS_GPDR1_VAL
-       str             r1,   [r0]
-       ldr             r0,     =GPDR2
-       ldr             r1,     =CONFIG_SYS_GPDR2_VAL
-       str             r1,   [r0]
-       ldr             r0,     =GAFR0_L
-       ldr             r1,     =CONFIG_SYS_GAFR0_L_VAL
-       str             r1,   [r0]
-       ldr             r0,     =GAFR0_U
-       ldr             r1,     =CONFIG_SYS_GAFR0_U_VAL
-       str             r1,   [r0]
-       ldr             r0,     =GAFR1_L
-       ldr             r1,     =CONFIG_SYS_GAFR1_L_VAL
-       str             r1,   [r0]
-       ldr             r0,     =GAFR1_U
-       ldr             r1,     =CONFIG_SYS_GAFR1_U_VAL
-       str             r1,   [r0]
-       ldr             r0,     =GAFR2_L
-       ldr             r1,     =CONFIG_SYS_GAFR2_L_VAL
-       str             r1,   [r0]
-       ldr             r0,     =GAFR2_U
-       ldr             r1,     =CONFIG_SYS_GAFR2_U_VAL
-       str             r1,   [r0]
-       ldr     r0,     =PSSR           /* enable GPIO pins */
-       ldr             r1,     =CONFIG_SYS_PSSR_VAL
-       str             r1,   [r0]
-       /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
-       /* Enable memory interface                                          */
-       /*                                                                  */
-       /* The sequence below is based on the recommended init steps        */
-       /* detailed in the Intel PXA250 Operating Systems Developers Guide, */
-       /* Chapter 10.                                                      */
-       /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
-       /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
-       /* Step 1: Wait for at least 200 microsedonds to allow internal     */
-       /*         clocks to settle. Only necessary after hard reset...     */
-       /*         FIXME: can be optimized later                            */
-       /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
-       ldr r3, =OSCR                   /* reset the OS Timer Count to zero */
-       mov r2, #0
-       str r2, [r3]
-       ldr r4, =0x300                  /* really 0x2E1 is about 200usec,   */
-                                       /* so 0x300 should be plenty        */
-       ldr r2, [r3]
-       cmp r4, r2
-       bgt 1b
-       ldr     r1,  =MEMC_BASE         /* get memory controller base addr. */
-       /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
-       /* Step 2a: Initialize Asynchronous static memory controller        */
-       /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
-       /* MSC registers: timing, bus width, mem type                       */
-       /* MSC0: nCS(0,1)                                                   */
-       ldr     r2,   =CONFIG_SYS_MSC0_VAL
-       str     r2,   [r1, #MSC0_OFFSET]
-       ldr     r2,   [r1, #MSC0_OFFSET]        /* read back to ensure      */
-                                               /* that data latches        */
-       /* MSC1: nCS(2,3)                                                   */
-       ldr     r2,  =CONFIG_SYS_MSC1_VAL
-       str     r2,  [r1, #MSC1_OFFSET]
-       ldr     r2,  [r1, #MSC1_OFFSET]
-       /* MSC2: nCS(4,5)                                                   */
-       ldr     r2,  =CONFIG_SYS_MSC2_VAL
-       str     r2,  [r1, #MSC2_OFFSET]
-       ldr     r2,  [r1, #MSC2_OFFSET]
-       /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
-       /* Step 2b: Initialize Card Interface                               */
-       /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
-       /* MECR: Memory Expansion Card Register                             */
-       ldr     r2,  =CONFIG_SYS_MECR_VAL
-       str     r2,  [r1, #MECR_OFFSET]
-       ldr     r2,     [r1, #MECR_OFFSET]
-       /* MCMEM0: Card Interface slot 0 timing                             */
-       ldr     r2,  =CONFIG_SYS_MCMEM0_VAL
-       str     r2,  [r1, #MCMEM0_OFFSET]
-       ldr     r2,     [r1, #MCMEM0_OFFSET]
-       /* MCMEM1: Card Interface slot 1 timing                             */
-       ldr     r2,  =CONFIG_SYS_MCMEM1_VAL
-       str     r2,  [r1, #MCMEM1_OFFSET]
-       ldr     r2,     [r1, #MCMEM1_OFFSET]
-       /* MCATT0: Card Interface Attribute Space Timing, slot 0            */
-       ldr     r2,  =CONFIG_SYS_MCATT0_VAL
-       str     r2,  [r1, #MCATT0_OFFSET]
-       ldr     r2,     [r1, #MCATT0_OFFSET]
-       /* MCATT1: Card Interface Attribute Space Timing, slot 1            */
-       ldr     r2,  =CONFIG_SYS_MCATT1_VAL
-       str     r2,  [r1, #MCATT1_OFFSET]
-       ldr     r2,     [r1, #MCATT1_OFFSET]
-       /* MCIO0: Card Interface I/O Space Timing, slot 0                   */
-       ldr     r2,  =CONFIG_SYS_MCIO0_VAL
-       str     r2,  [r1, #MCIO0_OFFSET]
-       ldr     r2,     [r1, #MCIO0_OFFSET]
-       /* MCIO1: Card Interface I/O Space Timing, slot 1                   */
-       ldr     r2,  =CONFIG_SYS_MCIO1_VAL
-       str     r2,  [r1, #MCIO1_OFFSET]
-       ldr     r2,     [r1, #MCIO1_OFFSET]
-       /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
-       /* Step 2c: Write FLYCNFG  FIXME: what's that???                    */
-       /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
-       /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
-       /* Step 2d: Initialize Timing for Sync Memory (SDCLK0)              */
-       /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
-       /* Before accessing MDREFR we need a valid DRI field, so we set     */
-       /* this to power on defaults + DRI field.                           */
-       ldr     r3,     =CONFIG_SYS_MDREFR_VAL
-       ldr     r2,     =0xFFF
-       and     r3,     r3,  r2
-       ldr     r4,     =0x03ca4000
-       orr     r4,     r4,  r3
-       str     r4,     [r1, #MDREFR_OFFSET]    /* write back MDREFR        */
-       ldr     r4,  [r1, #MDREFR_OFFSET]
-       /* Note: preserve the mdrefr value in r4                            */
-       /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
-       /* Step 3: Initialize Synchronous Static Memory (Flash/Peripherals) */
-       /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
-       /* Initialize SXCNFG register. Assert the enable bits               */
-       /* Write SXMRS to cause an MRS command to all enabled banks of      */
-       /* synchronous static memory. Note that SXLCR need not be written   */
-       /* at this time.                                                    */
-       /* FIXME: we use async mode for now                                 */
-       /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
-       /* Step 4: Initialize SDRAM                                         */
-       /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
-       /* set MDREFR according to user define with exception of a few bits */
-       ldr     r4,     =CONFIG_SYS_MDREFR_VAL
-       orr     r4,     r4,     #(MDREFR_SLFRSH)
-       bic     r4,     r4,     #(MDREFR_E1PIN|MDREFR_E0PIN)
-       str     r4,     [r1, #MDREFR_OFFSET]    /* write back MDREFR        */
-       ldr     r4,  [r1, #MDREFR_OFFSET]
-       /* Step 4b: de-assert MDREFR:SLFRSH.                                */
-       bic     r4,     r4,     #(MDREFR_SLFRSH)
-       str     r4,     [r1, #MDREFR_OFFSET]    /* write back MDREFR        */
-       ldr     r4,  [r1, #MDREFR_OFFSET]
-       /* Step 4c: assert MDREFR:E1PIN and E0PIO as desired                */
-       ldr     r4,     =CONFIG_SYS_MDREFR_VAL
-       str     r4,     [r1, #MDREFR_OFFSET]    /* write back MDREFR        */
-       ldr     r4,     [r1, #MDREFR_OFFSET]
-       /* Step 4d: write MDCNFG with MDCNFG:DEx deasserted (set to 0), to  */
-       /*          configure but not enable each SDRAM partition pair.     */
-       ldr     r4,     =CONFIG_SYS_MDCNFG_VAL
-       bic     r4,     r4,     #(MDCNFG_DE0|MDCNFG_DE1)
-       str     r4,     [r1, #MDCNFG_OFFSET]    /* write back MDCNFG        */
-       ldr     r4,     [r1, #MDCNFG_OFFSET]
-       /* Step 4e: Wait for the clock to the SDRAMs to stabilize,          */
-       /*          100..200 µsec.                                          */
-       ldr r3, =OSCR                   /* reset the OS Timer Count to zero */
-       mov r2, #0
-           str r2, [r3]
-       ldr r4, =0x300                  /* really 0x2E1 is about 200usec,   */
-                                       /* so 0x300 should be plenty        */
-           ldr r2, [r3]
-           cmp r4, r2
-           bgt 1b
-       /* Step 4f: Trigger a number (usually 8) refresh cycles by          */
-       /*          attempting non-burst read or write accesses to disabled */
-       /*          SDRAM, as commonly specified in the power up sequence   */
-       /*          documented in SDRAM data sheets. The address(es) used   */
-       /*          for this purpose must not be cacheable.                 */
-       ldr     r3,     =CONFIG_SYS_DRAM_BASE
-       str     r2,     [r3]
-       str     r2,     [r3]
-       str     r2,     [r3]
-       str     r2,     [r3]
-       str     r2,     [r3]
-       str     r2,     [r3]
-       str     r2,     [r3]
-       str     r2,     [r3]
-       /* Step 4g: Write MDCNFG with enable bits asserted                  */
-       /*          (MDCNFG:DEx set to 1).                                  */
-       ldr     r3,  [r1, #MDCNFG_OFFSET]
-       orr     r3,     r3,     #(MDCNFG_DE0|MDCNFG_DE1)
-       str     r3,  [r1, #MDCNFG_OFFSET]
-       /* Step 4h: Write MDMRS.                                            */
-       ldr     r2,  =CONFIG_SYS_MDMRS_VAL
-       str     r2,  [r1, #MDMRS_OFFSET]
-       /* We are finished with Intel's memory controller initialisation    */
-       /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
-       /* Disable (mask) all interrupts at interrupt controller            */
-       /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
-       mov     r1, #0          /* clear int. level register (IRQ, not FIQ) */
-       ldr     r2,  =ICLR
-       str     r1,  [r2]
-       ldr     r2,  =ICMR      /* mask all interrupts at the controller    */
-       str     r1,  [r2]
-       /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
-       /* Clock initialisation                                             */
-       /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
-       /* Disable the peripheral clocks, and set the core clock frequency  */
-       /* (hard-coding at 398.12MHz for now).                              */
-       /* Turn Off ALL on-chip peripheral clocks for re-configuration      */
-       /* Note: See label 'ENABLECLKS' for the re-enabling                 */
-       ldr     r1,  =CKEN
-       mov     r2,  #0
-       str     r2,  [r1]
-       /* default value in case no valid rotary switch setting is found    */
-       ldr     r2, =(CCCR_L27|CCCR_M2|CCCR_N10)  /* DEFAULT: {200/200/100} */
-       /* ... and write the core clock config register                     */
-       ldr     r1,  =CCCR
-       str     r2,  [r1]
-#ifdef RTC
-       /* enable the 32Khz oscillator for RTC and PowerManager             */
-       ldr     r1,  =OSCC
-       mov     r2,  #OSCC_OON
-       str     r2,  [r1]
-       /* NOTE:  spin here until OSCC.OOK get set, meaning the PLL         */
-       /* has settled.                                                     */
-       ldr     r2, [r1]
-       ands    r2, r2, #1
-       beq     60b
-       /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
-       /*                                                                  */
-       /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
-       /* Save SDRAM size */
-    ldr     r1, =DRAM_SIZE
-        str       r8, [r1]
-       /* Interrupt init: Mask all interrupts                              */
-    ldr        r0, =ICMR /* enable no sources */
-       mov r1, #0
-    str r1, [r0]
-       /* FIXME */
-#define NODEBUG
-#ifdef NODEBUG
-       /*Disable software and data breakpoints */
-       mov     r0,#0
-       mcr     p15,0,r0,c14,c8,0  /* ibcr0 */
-       mcr     p15,0,r0,c14,c9,0  /* ibcr1 */
-       mcr     p15,0,r0,c14,c4,0  /* dbcon */
-       /*Enable all debug functionality */
-       mov     r0,#0x80000000
-       mcr     p14,0,r0,c10,c0,0  /* dcsr */
-       /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
-       /* End lowlevel_init                                                    
-       /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */
-    mov     pc, lr
diff --git a/board/lubbock/lubbock.c b/board/lubbock/lubbock.c
index d8d6ffb..f791c5b 100644
--- a/board/lubbock/lubbock.c
+++ b/board/lubbock/lubbock.c
@@ -36,8 +36,9 @@ DECLARE_GLOBAL_DATA_PTR;
 int board_init (void)
-       /* memory and cpu-speed are setup before relocation */
-       /* so we do _nothing_ here */
+       /* We have RAM, disable cache */
+       dcache_disable();
+       icache_disable();
        /* arch number of Lubbock-Board */
        gd->bd->bi_arch_number = MACH_TYPE_LUBBOCK;
@@ -55,19 +56,18 @@ int board_late_init(void)
        return 0;
+extern void pxa_dram_init(void);
+int dram_init(void)
+       pxa_dram_init();
+       gd->ram_size = PHYS_SDRAM_1_SIZE;
+       return 0;
-int dram_init (void)
+void dram_init_banksize(void)
        gd->bd->bi_dram[0].start = PHYS_SDRAM_1;
        gd->bd->bi_dram[0].size = PHYS_SDRAM_1_SIZE;
-       gd->bd->bi_dram[1].start = PHYS_SDRAM_2;
-       gd->bd->bi_dram[1].size = PHYS_SDRAM_2_SIZE;
-       gd->bd->bi_dram[2].start = PHYS_SDRAM_3;
-       gd->bd->bi_dram[2].size = PHYS_SDRAM_3_SIZE;
-       gd->bd->bi_dram[3].start = PHYS_SDRAM_4;
-       gd->bd->bi_dram[3].size = PHYS_SDRAM_4_SIZE;
-       return 0;
diff --git a/include/configs/lubbock.h b/include/configs/lubbock.h
index 3a99ec2..62f9691 100644
--- a/include/configs/lubbock.h
+++ b/include/configs/lubbock.h
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 #define CONFIG_MMC
 #define BOARD_LATE_INIT                1
+#define        CONFIG_SYS_TEXT_BASE    0x0
 #undef CONFIG_USE_IRQ                  /* we don't need IRQ/FIQ stuff */
 /* we will never enable dcache, because we have to setup MMU first */
@@ -202,6 +202,9 @@
 #define CONFIG_SYS_PSSR_VAL            0x20
+#define        CONFIG_SYS_CCCR                 CCCR_L27|CCCR_M2|CCCR_N10
+#define        CONFIG_SYS_CKEN                 0x0
  * Memory settings
@@ -212,6 +215,9 @@
 #define CONFIG_SYS_MDREFR_VAL          0x00018018
 #define CONFIG_SYS_MDMRS_VAL           0x00000000
+#define        CONFIG_SYS_FLYCNFG_VAL          0x00000000
+#define        CONFIG_SYS_SXCNFG_VAL           0x00000000
  * PCMCIA and CF Interfaces

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