On 3/19/21 9:27 AM, Tom Rini wrote:
On Wed, Mar 17, 2021 at 06:42:55PM -0500, Alex G. wrote:
I've recently hit that message in a yocto build. I can't figure out the
exact root cause. On the one hand, I don't know how "big" SPL is. On the
other hand, I can't objdump -h the SPL elf because one wasn't created.
So that comes from arch/arm/cpu/u-boot-spl.lds and I'm not sure how to
make it more helpful, aside from having something under perhaps
doc/build/ that explains the error more fully and have the build-time
error point to that file.
Is there a way to print "SPL too big: _so-may_ bytes, only _max_
possible" ? In a local build, one could modify the source to increase
SPL max size, rebuild, and objdump the SPL elf, see how much SPL
overflows. That is much more tedious to do in a remote/yocto build.