Hello Martin,

I reviewed things a bit, and, as it looks to me, and according to AAPCS, 
we can still use r4, as this is scratch space, but we need to save it 
and restore it before and after the code of lowlevel_init.
Because r6 is also scratch, with your patch , we lose the data in r6, in 
case someone was using it before the call.
So , do you agree to change this to : still use r4 for operations, but 
push r4 to stack and pop r4 before returning ?

If anyone else has a different opinion, please share.


On 3/1/21 2:34 PM, Martin Townsend wrote:
> Kind regards
> Martin
> *Martin Townsend**| *Embedded Software Engineer**
> _mar...@rufilla.com <mailto:mar...@rufilla.com>_
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> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* eugen.hris...@microchip.com <eugen.hris...@microchip.com>
> *Sent:* 01 March 2021 12:17
> *To:* Martin Townsend <mar...@rufilla.com>; u-boot@lists.denx.de 
> <u-boot@lists.denx.de>
> *Cc:* albert.u.b...@aribaud.net <albert.u.b...@aribaud.net>; 
> nicolas.fe...@microchip.com <nicolas.fe...@microchip.com>
> *Subject:* Re: [PATCH] Fix data abort in startup for at91 machines based 
> on ARM926EJS
> Hi,
> On 26.02.2021 10:44, Martin Townsend wrote:
>> The startup code in arm/cpu/arm926ejs preserves the link register across
>> the call to lowlevel_init by using r4:
>> mov     r4, lr          /* perserve link reg across call */
>> bl      lowlevel_init   /* go setup pll,mux,memory */
>> mov     lr, r4          /* restore link */
>> The lowlevel_init function for at91 machines based on the same CPU uses r4
>> and hence corrupts it causing a data abort when it returns to the startup
>> code. This patch fixes this by using r6 instead of r4 in the lowlevel_init
>> function.
>> Discovered and the fix was tested on a AT91SAM9261 based board.
> Very interesting find. I have a few questions:
> How is this reproducible ?
> I'm getting a custom Ronetix PM9261 board working with a 2020.01 version 
> of U-Boot and just noticed that it hung with no console output so I 
> attached a JTAG debugger and could see that it was stuck in the data 
> abort so I single stepped through the code and could see the problem was 
> when it returned from lowlevel_init and that the r4 register had been 
> corrupted.
> Since when this happens ?
> I have no idea I'm afraid this is the first board that I'm trying to 
> bring up that has this processor architecture.
> Do you have a fixes tag for this ?
> I don't I'm afraid
> Does it affect any board using the arm926ejs ?
> I only have this Ronetix PM9261 with has a AT91SAM9261 SoC.  I've had a 
> look around and can't see any other boards that I have that use the 
> arm926ejs architecture.
> Currently we have sam9x60 which is an SoC based on arm 926ejs and we did
> not see this behavior as of today.
> Does it have the SKIP_LOWLEVEL_INIT defined? (Not sure of the exact name 
> but it's something like this)  The Ronetix board runs U-Boot from the 
> NOR flash using XIP so the startup code runs from NOR and must run the 
> lowlevel_init function. Maybe the board you have skips the low level 
> intiailisation, just a guess though.
> Could you also modify the subject, to adhere with the rules subsystem:
> component: change
> In your case it's something like
>    ARM: at91: arm926esj: fix usage of r4 in lowlevel_init
> Sure will do if you think it's a valid bug.
> Thanks,
> Eugen
>> Signed-off-by: Martin Townsend <mar...@rufilla.com>
>> ---
>>   arch/arm/mach-at91/arm926ejs/lowlevel_init.S | 16 ++++++++--------
>>   1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
>> diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-at91/arm926ejs/lowlevel_init.S 
>> b/arch/arm/mach-at91/arm926ejs/lowlevel_init.S
>> index 71d7582ce0..994f42eb4a 100644
>> --- a/arch/arm/mach-at91/arm926ejs/lowlevel_init.S
>> +++ b/arch/arm/mach-at91/arm926ejs/lowlevel_init.S
>> @@ -71,10 +71,10 @@ POS1:
>>          str     r0, [r1]
>>          /* Reading the PMC Status to detect when the Main Oscillator is 
>>enabled */
>> -       mov     r4, #AT91_PMC_IXR_MOSCS
>> +       mov     r6, #AT91_PMC_IXR_MOSCS
>>   MOSCS_Loop:
>>          ldr     r3, [r2]
>> -       and     r3, r4, r3
>> +       and     r3, r6, r3
>>          cmp     r3, #AT91_PMC_IXR_MOSCS
>>          bne     MOSCS_Loop
>> @@ -89,10 +89,10 @@ MOSCS_Loop:
>>          str     r0, [r1]
>>          /* Reading the PMC Status register to detect when the PLLA is 
>>locked */
>> -       mov     r4, #AT91_PMC_IXR_LOCKA
>> +       mov     r6, #AT91_PMC_IXR_LOCKA
>>   MOSCS_Loop1:
>>          ldr     r3, [r2]
>> -       and     r3, r4, r3
>> +       and     r3, r6, r3
>>          cmp     r3, #AT91_PMC_IXR_LOCKA
>>          bne     MOSCS_Loop1
>> @@ -109,10 +109,10 @@ MOSCS_Loop1:
>>          str     r0, [r1]
>>          /* Reading the PMC Status to detect when the Master clock is ready 
>> -       mov     r4, #AT91_PMC_IXR_MCKRDY
>> +       mov     r6, #AT91_PMC_IXR_MCKRDY
>>   MCKRDY_Loop:
>>          ldr     r3, [r2]
>> -       and     r3, r4, r3
>> +       and     r3, r6, r3
>>          cmp     r3, #AT91_PMC_IXR_MCKRDY
>>          bne     MCKRDY_Loop
>> @@ -120,10 +120,10 @@ MCKRDY_Loop:
>>          str     r0, [r1]
>>          /* Reading the PMC Status to detect when the Master clock is ready 
>> -       mov     r4, #AT91_PMC_IXR_MCKRDY
>> +       mov     r6, #AT91_PMC_IXR_MCKRDY
>>   MCKRDY_Loop1:
>>          ldr     r3, [r2]
>> -       and     r3, r4, r3
>> +       and     r3, r6, r3
>>          cmp     r3, #AT91_PMC_IXR_MCKRDY
>>          bne     MCKRDY_Loop1
>>   PLL_setup_end:
>> --
>> 2.25.1

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