On 04.03.21 14:28, Phil Sutter wrote:
On Thu, Mar 04, 2021 at 02:09:34PM +0100, Stefan Roese wrote:
On 03.03.21 01:55, Phil Sutter wrote:
Signed-off-by: Phil Sutter <p...@nwl.cc>

It's common practice to add some minimal text in the commit text,
even for simple patches.

I should learn to put less meaningful subjects in those cases so I have
an easier time finding something to write about in the description.


again, your question indicates I just didn't think hard enough.

I agree that this "rule" is sometimes hard to understand. I myself
am sometimes finding it stupid to write the same sentence twice.

diff --git a/include/configs/ds414.h b/include/configs/ds414.h
index a2248cf75ad72..c8b45066cc75a 100644
--- a/include/configs/ds414.h
+++ b/include/configs/ds414.h
@@ -88,7 +88,12 @@
        "initrd_high=0xffffffff\0"                            \
        "ramdisk_addr_r=0x8000000\0"                          \
        "usb0Mode=host\0usb1Mode=host\0usb2Mode=device\0"     \
-       "ethmtu=1500\0eth1mtu=1500\0"
+       "ethmtu=1500\0eth1mtu=1500\0"                         \
+       "update_uboot=sf probe; dhcp; "                               \
+               "mw.b ${loadaddr} 0x0 0xd0000; "              \
+               "tftpboot ${loadaddr} u-boot-spl.kwb; "               \
+               "sf update ${loadaddr} 0x0 0xd0000\0"

Wouldn't it be better to use ${filesize} instead of 0xd0000 here?

U-Boot's "partition" size is fixed and hard-coded in the DTB at least.
Putting the destination size as a limit at least avoids the unlikely
chance of overwriting data past that partition.

Ok, understood.

BTW: I spent a while trying to make the DTB-defined partitions available
in sf command, but eventually gave up. Seems I need to have this
SPI->MTD mapping and still define partitions in environment. Not worth
spending cycles on though, I was just curious because 'help sf' mentions
partitions as offset alternatives.

Not looking to hard into your issue here, but did you take a look at
the "mtd" command? It's newer than the other flash related commands
and can manage all kind of flash types (SPI NOR, NAND etc) in one
place. And also integrated better into the MTD partitions IIRC.


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