Am 28. Februar 2021 22:29:51 MEZ schrieb Sean Anderson <>:
>If there were no variable substitutions in a command, then initial
>assignments would be misinterpreted as commands, instead of being
>over. This is demonstrated by the following example:
>       => foo=bar echo baz

The commit message does not explain why this patch is needed.

What shall be the value off foo after this line?

What will be the output of

foo=bar echo ${foo}

with and without yor patch?

Best regards


>       Unknown command 'foo=bar' - try 'help'
>Signed-off-by: Sean Anderson <>
> common/cli_hush.c    | 2 +-
> test/cmd/test_echo.c | 2 ++
> 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
>diff --git a/common/cli_hush.c b/common/cli_hush.c
>index b7f0f0ff41..1b9bef64b6 100644
>--- a/common/cli_hush.c
>+++ b/common/cli_hush.c
>@@ -1672,7 +1672,7 @@ static int run_pipe_real(struct pipe *pi)
>                       return -1;
>               }
>               /* Process the command */
>-              return cmd_process(flag, child->argc, child->argv,
>+              return cmd_process(flag, child->argc - i, child->argv + i,
>                                  &flag_repeat, NULL);
> #endif
>       }
>diff --git a/test/cmd/test_echo.c b/test/cmd/test_echo.c
>index 4183cf75bb..13e1fb7c82 100644
>--- a/test/cmd/test_echo.c
>+++ b/test/cmd/test_echo.c
>@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ static struct test_data echo_data[] = {
>        */
>       {"setenv jQx X; echo \"a)\" ${jQx} 'b)' '${jQx}' c) ${jQx}; setenv
>        "a) X b) ${jQx} c) X"},
>+      /* Test shell variable assignments without substitutions */
>+      {"foo=bar echo baz", "baz"},
>       /* Test handling of shell variables. */
>       {"setenv jQx; for jQx in 1 2 3; do echo -n \"${jQx}, \"; done; echo;",
>        "1, 2, 3, "},

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