On Thu, Jan 28, 2021 at 09:52:48AM -0600, Alexandru Gagniuc wrote:

> Add a test to make sure that the ECDSA signatures generated by
> mkimage can be verified successfully. pyCryptodomex was chosen as the
> crypto library because it integrates much better with python code.
> Using openssl would have been unnecessarily painful.
> Signed-off-by: Alexandru Gagniuc <mr.nuke...@gmail.com>
> Reviewed-by: Simon Glass <s...@chromium.org>

So, to run this test I've done a "pip install -r
test/py/requirements.txt" to make sure I have everything now needed
installed.  When I run this test (building in /tmp):
+/tmp/.bm-work/sandbox/tools/mkimage -F /tmp/.bm-work/sandbox/test.fit 
Can not get key file '/tmp/.bm-work/sandbox/ecdsa-test-key.pem/dev.pem'
Can not get key file '/tmp/.bm-work/sandbox/ecdsa-test-key.pem/dev.pem'
Failed to sign 'signature' signature node in 'kernel' image node: -2
Failed to sign 'signature' signature node in 'fdt-1' image node: -2
FIT description: Chrome OS kernel image with one or more FDT blobs
+fdtget -tbi /tmp/.bm-work/sandbox/test.fit /images/kernel/signature value
Error at 'value': FDT_ERR_NOTFOUND

Which I think means that since we have a key-name-hint of "dev" it's
taking the -k argument as a keydir and that's where it goes wrong.


Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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