On 2/16/21 5:18 PM, gr embeter wrote:
> Hi Jaehoon,
> thanks for your comments.
> On Tue, 16 Feb 2021 at 00:30 Jaehoon Chung <jh80.ch...@samsung.com> wrote:
>> Hi Grygorii,
>> On 2/15/21 10:04 PM, gr embeter wrote:
>>> Hello Jaehoon,
>>> On Sun, 14 Feb 2021 at 23:08 Jaehoon Chung <jh80.ch...@samsung.com>
>> wrote:
>>>> Dear Grygorii,
>>>> On 2/12/21 7:32 PM, grygorii tertychnyi wrote:
>>>>> This patch allows to determine active boot partition in boot script:
>>>>> if mmc partboot ${mmcdev} 2; then
>>>>>     echo "booted from eMMC boot1 partition"
>>>>> fi
>>>> I don't know what purpose this patch has.
>>> With an eMMC as a boot source I have two boot partitions, i.e. “boot1”
>> and
>>> “boot2”, with two different versions of U-Boot on each partition.
>>> I also have two different kernels located on eMMC “user” partition, let’s
>>> say “image1” and “image2”.
>>> So, I want to boot “image1” kernel if it is U-boot from “boot1” partition
>>> is booted now,
>>> and to boot “image2” kernel if it is U-boot from “boot2” partition is
>>> booted.
>>> It is easy to do it manually. I just added possibility to do it with
>> U-boot
>>> script now,
>>> because “mmc partconf ...” does not let you check the current boot
>>> partition with hush.
>>> Hope, I explained the purpose.
>> I remembered. Because i feel to see similar patch to use bootpart.
>> At that time, i also asked same question. Sorry for not remembered yours.
>> https://protect2.fireeye.com/v1/url?k=dac52f49-855e1643-dac4a406-0cc47a31384a-4f6e07c1e040623a&q=1&e=3829977a-6bc3-49e3-868a-0dcba5fab9e4&u=https%3A%2F%2Fpatchwork.ozlabs.org%2Fproject%2Fuboot%2Fpatch%2F20201212074633.891704-1-grembeter%40outlook.com%2F
> Indeed. I should’ve mentioned this link. Sorry. I’ll extend commit message.
>>>> Best Regards,
>>>> Jaehoon Chung
>>>>> Signed-off-by: Grygorii Tertychnyi <
>>>> grygorii.tertych...@leica-geosystems.com>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  cmd/mmc.c | 39 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>>>>  1 file changed, 39 insertions(+)
>>>>> diff --git a/cmd/mmc.c b/cmd/mmc.c
>>>>> index 1529a3e05ddd..010d6ab9aa19 100644
>>>>> --- a/cmd/mmc.c
>>>>> +++ b/cmd/mmc.c
>>>>> @@ -771,6 +771,41 @@ static int do_mmc_boot_resize(struct cmd_tbl
>>>> *cmdtp, int flag,
>>>>>       return CMD_RET_SUCCESS;
>>>>>  }
>>>>> +static int do_mmc_partboot(struct cmd_tbl *cmdtp, int flag,
>>>>> +                        int argc, char *const argv[])
>>>>> +{
>>>>> +     int dev;
>>>>> +     struct mmc *mmc;
>>>>> +     u8 part_args, part_emmc;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +     if (argc != 3)
>>>>> +             return CMD_RET_USAGE;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +     dev = simple_strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 10);
>>>>> +
>>>>> +     mmc = init_mmc_device(dev, false);
>>>>> +     if (!mmc)
>>>>> +             return CMD_RET_FAILURE;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +     if (IS_SD(mmc)) {
>>>>> +             puts("PARTITION_CONFIG only exists on eMMC\n");
>>>>> +             return CMD_RET_FAILURE;
>>>>> +     }
>>>>> +
>>>>> +     if (mmc->part_config == MMCPART_NOAVAILABLE) {
>>>>> +             printf("No part_config info for ver. 0x%x\n",
>>>> mmc->version);
>>>>> +             return CMD_RET_FAILURE;
>>>>> +     }
>>>>> +
>>>>> +     part_emmc = EXT_CSD_EXTRACT_BOOT_PART(mmc->part_config);
>>>>> +     part_args = simple_strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 10);
>>>>> +
>>>>> +     if (part_emmc == part_args)
>>>>> +             return CMD_RET_SUCCESS;
>>>>> +     else
>>>>> +             return CMD_RET_FAILURE;
>>>>> +}
>>>>> +
>>>>>  static int mmc_partconf_print(struct mmc *mmc)
>>>>>  {
>>>>>       u8 ack, access, part;
>>>>> @@ -953,6 +988,7 @@ static struct cmd_tbl cmd_mmc[] = {
>>>>>       U_BOOT_CMD_MKENT(bootbus, 5, 0, do_mmc_bootbus, "", ""),
>>>>>       U_BOOT_CMD_MKENT(bootpart-resize, 4, 0, do_mmc_boot_resize, "",
>>>> ""),
>>>>> +     U_BOOT_CMD_MKENT(partboot, 3, 0, do_mmc_partboot, "", ""),
>> partboot can be confused. how about changing more clear name, like
>> mmc_bootpart_check?
> Agree. We have “bootpart-resize”, and “bootpart-check” looks very natural.
> I’ll prepare V2 for
> mmc bootpart-check <dev> <boot_partition>
>>>>>       U_BOOT_CMD_MKENT(partconf, 5, 0, do_mmc_partconf, "", ""),
>>>>>       U_BOOT_CMD_MKENT(rst-function, 3, 0, do_mmc_rst_func, "", ""),
>>>>>  #endif
>>>>> @@ -1021,6 +1057,9 @@ U_BOOT_CMD(
>>>>>       " - Set the BOOT_BUS_WIDTH field of the specified device\n"
>>>>>       "mmc bootpart-resize <dev> <boot part size MB> <RPMB part size
>>>> MB>\n"
>>>>>       " - Change sizes of boot and RPMB partitions of specified
>> device\n"
>>>>> +     "mmc partboot dev boot_partition\n"
>> why it needs to pass "boot_partition"?
> We need to return true or false to be able to use “if” in boot script
> (hush).
> Comparing the real value with the given one is the only way to return true
> or false. So, this argument is mandatory.

How about setting environment variable in checking command? With optional 
e,g) mmc partconf-check <dev> [varname] ?

- mmc partconf-check 0
Then just returned BOOT_PARTITON_ENABLE[5:3] value.
- mmc partconf-check 0 boot_partition
Then it will be set to boot_partition as PARTITION_ENABLE[5:3] value.


I think that you can use %boot_partition variable in your boot script.

Refer to cmd/part.c.

How about this? It's just my opinion.

Best Regards,
Jaehoon Chung

>> And use more clear usage..with optional or mandatory.
>> <> - mandatory
>> [] - optional
> OK.
>> mmc partboot <dev>
>>>>> +     " - Return success if the given boot_partition value matches
>>>>> +     "   bit field of the specified device\n"
>>>>>       "mmc partconf dev [boot_ack boot_partition partition_access]\n"
>>>>>       " - Show or change the bits of the PARTITION_CONFIG field of the
>>>> specified device\n"
>>>>>       "mmc rst-function dev value\n"

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