
On 05/02/21 4:24 pm, Dario Binacchi wrote:
> Hi Lokesh,
>> Il 04/02/2021 19:02 Lokesh Vutla <lokeshvu...@ti.com> ha scritto:
>> On 29/01/21 3:54 am, Dario Binacchi wrote:
>>> The series was born from the need to check the pinmux setting of a
>>> peripheral on a beaglebone board. I then ran the 'pinmux status -a'
>>> command but it failed because some operations (get_pin_muxing,
>>> get_pin_name and get_pins_count) were missing in the 'pinctrl-single'
>>> driver.
>>> The patch series can be cleanly applied to the HEAD of the master which
>>> at the time of release points to 8b195f4b71
>>> ("Merge https://gitlab.denx.de/u-boot/custodians/u-boot-marvell";) commit
>> Sandbox tests are failing with this series. Can you take a look?
>> https://gitlab.denx.de/u-boot/custodians/u-boot-ti/-/jobs/217033
> I applied the series to both the "master" branch of u-boot and the "for-rc" 
> branch of u-boot-ti. 
> In both cases, no test fails.
> Here's how I ran the tests (u-boot-ti case):
> git clone https://gitlab.denx.de/u-boot/custodians/u-boot-ti.git
> cd u-boot-ti/
> git checkout -b for-rc origin/for-rc
> git am ~/Downloads/Add-support-for-pinmux-status-command-on-beaglebone.patch
> virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 /tmp/venv
> . /tmp/venv/bin/activate
> pip install -r test/py/requirements.txt
> ./test/py/test.py -ra --bd sandbox --build
> ...
> =========== 719 passed, 81 skipped in 117.37s (0:01:57) =========

You are right. I tried these locally and I could not reproduce. But the
gitlab-ci is throwing the same error anytime I push this series.

Simon, Tom,
  Any idea why this could happen?

Thanks and regards,

> What am I doing wrong? 
> Can you help me ?
> Thanks and regards,
> Dario
>> Thanks and regards,
>> Lokesh
>>> Changes in v2:
>>> - Added Simon Glass review tag.
>>> - Updated commit message.
>>> - Added Simon Glass review tag.
>>> - Added Pratyush Yadav review tag.
>>> - Updated commit message
>>> - Split in 2 commits
>>> - Check dev_read_addr_size return value
>>> - Updated commit message.
>>> - Added Simon Glass review tag.
>>> - Updated commit message.
>>> - Remove pointer to access functions.
>>> - Added Simon Glass review tag.
>>> - Added Simon Glass review tag.
>>> - Added Simon Glass review tag.
>>> - Added error checking when the 'width' property is missing.
>>> - Fix coding style.
>>> Dario Binacchi (12):
>>>   pinctrl: single: fix format of structure documentation
>>>   pinctrl: single: fix the loop counter variable type
>>>   pinctrl: single: fix offset management
>>>   pinctrl: single: fix debug messages formatting
>>>   pinctrl: single: get register area size by device API
>>>   pinctrl: single: check "register-width" DT property
>>>   pinctrl: single: change function mask default value
>>>   pinctrl: single: add register access functions
>>>   pinctrl: single: add get_pins_count operation
>>>   pinctrl: single: add get_pin_name operation
>>>   pinctrl: single: add get_pin_muxing operation
>>>   test: pinmux: add test for 'pinctrl-single' driver
>>>  arch/sandbox/dts/test.dts        |  72 +++++
>>>  configs/sandbox_defconfig        |   1 +
>>>  drivers/pinctrl/pinctrl-single.c | 474 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
>>>  test/dm/pinmux.c                 |  91 +++++-
>>>  4 files changed, 573 insertions(+), 65 deletions(-)

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