Hi all,

On 2/5/21 4:23 PM, Bough Chen wrote:
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: ZHIZHIKIN Andrey [mailto:andrey.zhizhi...@leica-geosystems.com]
>> Sent: 2021年2月1日 19:41
>> To: Bough Chen <haibo.c...@nxp.com>; Peng Fan <peng....@nxp.com>;
>> u-boot@lists.denx.de
>> Cc: dl-uboot-imx <uboot-...@nxp.com>; thar...@gateworks.com
>> Subject: RE: [PATCH] mmc: fsl_esdhc_imx: use VENDORSPEC_FRC_SDCLK_ON
>> to control card clock output
>> Hello Haibo,
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Bough Chen <haibo.c...@nxp.com>
>>> Sent: Monday, February 1, 2021 11:10 AM
>>> To: ZHIZHIKIN Andrey <andrey.zhizhi...@leica-geosystems.com>; Peng Fan
>>> <peng....@nxp.com>; u-boot@lists.denx.de
>>> Cc: dl-uboot-imx <uboot-...@nxp.com>; thar...@gateworks.com
>>> Subject: RE: [PATCH] mmc: fsl_esdhc_imx: use
>>> to control card clock output
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: ZHIZHIKIN Andrey
>>>> [mailto:andrey.zhizhi...@leica-geosystems.com]
>>>> Sent: 2021年2月1日 17:52
>>>> To: Bough Chen <haibo.c...@nxp.com>; Peng Fan <peng....@nxp.com>;
>>>> u-boot@lists.denx.de
>>>> Cc: dl-uboot-imx <uboot-...@nxp.com>; thar...@gateworks.com
>>>> Subject: RE: [PATCH] mmc: fsl_esdhc_imx: use
>>>> to control card clock output
>>>> Hello Haibo,
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: haibo.c...@nxp.com <haibo.c...@nxp.com>
>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2021 11:47 AM
>>>>> To: peng....@nxp.com; u-boot@lists.denx.de
>>>>> Cc: haibo.c...@nxp.com; uboot-...@nxp.com;
>> thar...@gateworks.com;
>>>>> ZHIZHIKIN Andrey <andrey.zhizhi...@leica-geosystems.com>
>>>>> Subject: [PATCH] mmc: fsl_esdhc_imx: use VENDORSPEC_FRC_SDCLK_ON
>>>>> to control card clock output
>>>>> From: Haibo Chen <haibo.c...@nxp.com>
>>>>> For FSL_USDHC, it do not implement
>>>>> these are reserved bits. Instead, use VENDORSPEC_FRC_SDCLK_ON to
>>>>> gate on/off the card clock output.
>>>>> After commit b5874b552ffa ("mmc: fsl_esdhc_imx: add wait_dat0()
>>>>> support"), we meet SD3.0 card can't work at UHS mode,
>>>>> mmc_switch_voltage() fail because the second mmc_wait_dat0 return
>>>>> -ETIMEDOUT. According to SD spec, during voltage switch, need to
>>>>> gate off/on the card clock. If not set the FRC_SDCLK_ON, after
>>>>> CMD11, hardware will gate off the card clock automatically, so
>>>>> card do not detect the clock off/on behavior, so will draw the
>>>>> data0 line low until next
>>>> command.
>>>>> Fixes: b5874b552ffa ("mmc: fsl_esdhc_imx: add wait_dat0()
>>>>> support")
>>>> This patch does not fix the switch of uSDHC to 1v8...
>>>> I've applied it locally on the imx8mmevk, and had following log
>>>> during the boot when tried to query SD Card info:
>>>> -----------------------------------------------
>>>> U-Boot SPL 2021.01-01004-gb852007333 (Feb 01 2021 - 09:45:42 +0100)
>>>> Normal Boot
>>>> WDT:   Started with servicing (60s timeout)
>>>> Trying to boot from MMC1
>>>> NOTICE:  BL31: v2.2(release):rel_imx_5.4.70_2.3.0-0-gf1d7187f2
>>>> NOTICE:  BL31: Built : 22:29:05, Jan 17 2021
>>>> U-Boot 2021.01-01004-gb852007333 (Feb 01 2021 - 09:45:42 +0100)
>>>> CPU:   Freescale i.MX8MMQ rev1.0 at 1200 MHz
>>>> Reset cause: POR
>>>> Model: FSL i.MX8MM EVK board
>>>> DRAM:  2 GiB
>>>> WDT:   Started with servicing (60s timeout)
>>>> MMC:   FSL_SDHC: 1, FSL_SDHC: 2
>>>> Loading Environment from MMC... Run CMD11 1.8V switch Card did not
>>>> respond to voltage select! : -110
>>> This do not align with my test result. Can you help identify which
>>> function first return the timeout on your side?
>> I would have a look at the exact function, but it seems to me that it would 
>> be
>> wait_dat0() since if I revert the patch introducing it - high speed mode 
>> switch is
>> not timing out.
>>> Or can you try a different SD card?
>> It is rather strange, it seems like it is dependent on the SD Card used.
>> So far, I've tried 3 SD Cards I had on hands, one of which being operable:
>> == Working:
>> "Transcend 32GB"
>> Manufacturer ID: 74
>> OEM: 4a60
>> Name: USDU1
>> == Failed:
>> 1. (Kingston 32GB)
>> Manufacturer ID: 41
>> OEM: 3432
>> Name: SD32G
>> 2. (Intenso 32 GB)
>> Manufacturer ID: 9f
>> OEM: 5449
>> Name: 00000
> Hi Andrey,
> With this patch, can you also add the following change to test again, I 
> double check the code logic, only the following code do not follow the SD 
> spec for voltage switch.
> Seems the two failed SD cards follow the sd voltage spec strictly.
> diff --git a/drivers/mmc/fsl_esdhc_imx.c b/drivers/mmc/fsl_esdhc_imx.c
> index da33ee8253..20337b0ed4 100644
> --- a/drivers/mmc/fsl_esdhc_imx.c
> +++ b/drivers/mmc/fsl_esdhc_imx.c
> @@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ static int esdhc_send_cmd_common(struct fsl_esdhc_priv 
> *priv, struct mmc *mmc,
>                 err = -ETIMEDOUT;
>                 goto out;
>         }
> -
> +#if 0
>         /* Switch voltage to 1.8V if CMD11 succeeded */
>         if (cmd->cmdidx == SD_CMD_SWITCH_UHS18V) {
>                 esdhc_setbits32(&regs->vendorspec, ESDHC_VENDORSPEC_VSELECT);
> @@ -522,6 +522,7 @@ static int esdhc_send_cmd_common(struct fsl_esdhc_priv 
> *priv, struct mmc *mmc,
>                 /* Sleep for 5 ms - max time for card to switch to 1.8V */
>                 udelay(5000);
>         }
> +#endif
>> This raises a concern that a regular off-the-shelf SD Card might exhibit this
>> issue or might not - it is not tight to a one specific SD Card. Hence I 
>> believe it is
>> quite important to look at it further, as there might be a lot of reports 
>> from
>> various users.
> Yes, I will take care of that, but I think current issue is not caused by 
> this, because uboot already print out the log " Run CMD11 1.8V", which means 
> the S18A is set in the response of ACMD41.
> Currently, common code only delay 2ms for power cycle, but some boards may 
> need more time, few i.mx boards need 3.8ms ~4.7ms. for my new imx8mm board, 
> need 2.7ms to let VDD change to 0.5v from 3.3v.
> And spec need to keep VDD under 0.5v for at least 1ms, so totally need about 
> 3.7ms for the power cycle. According to the log, seems you use an old version 
> board, not sure about the actual delay time on your board.
> In Linux, regulator driver support the compatible "off-on-delay-us", let me 
> double check whether uboot also support this feature.

I didn't have target that fsl_esdhc_imx is used. But when i have checked 
fsl_esdhc_imx.c, google coral dev board is using it, right?
Then is it possible to produce this issue with its board?

Best Regards,
Jaehoon Chung

> Best Regards
> Haibo
>> Please note, that for all SD Cards I've tested NVCC_SD2 is indeed physically
>> switched to 1v8.
>>> Best Regards
>>> Haibo
>>>> *** Warning - No block device, using default environment
>>>> In:    serial
>>>> Out:   serial
>>>> Err:   serial
>>>> Net:   eth0: ethernet@30be0000
>>>> Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0
>>>> u-boot=> mmc dev 1
>>>> Card did not respond to voltage select! : -110 u-boot=> mmc info MMC
>>>> Device
>>>> 0 not found no mmc device at slot 0 u-boot=> mmc dev 2 switch to
>>>> partitions #0, OK mmc2(part 0) is current device u-boot=> mmc info
>>>> Device: FSL_SDHC
>>>> Manufacturer ID: 45
>>>> OEM: 100
>>>> Name: DG401
>>>> Bus Speed: 200000000
>>>> Mode: HS400ES (200MHz)
>>>> Rd Block Len: 512
>>>> MMC version 5.1
>>>> High Capacity: Yes
>>>> Capacity: 14.7 GiB
>>>> Bus Width: 8-bit DDR
>>>> Erase Group Size: 512 KiB
>>>> HC WP Group Size: 8 MiB
>>>> User Capacity: 14.7 GiB WRREL
>>>> Boot Capacity: 4 MiB ENH
>>>> RPMB Capacity: 4 MiB ENH
>>>> Boot area 0 is not write protected
>>>> Boot area 1 is not write protected
>>>> -----------------------------------------------
>>>> Note, that eMMC is not affected and is operating in HS400ES mode
>>>> without any issues.
>>>> Reverting patch b5874b552ffa ("mmc: fsl_esdhc_imx: add wait_dat0()
>>>> support") with this patch applied in tree does switch the SD Card to
>>>> high-speed mode, following log is produced:
>>>> -----------------------------------------------
>>>> U-Boot SPL 2021.01-01005-gb8aeb689a2 (Feb 01 2021 - 10:38:01 +0100)
>>>> Normal Boot
>>>> WDT:   Started with servicing (60s timeout)
>>>> Trying to boot from MMC1
>>>> NOTICE:  BL31: v2.2(release):rel_imx_5.4.70_2.3.0-0-gf1d7187f2
>>>> NOTICE:  BL31: Built : 22:29:05, Jan 17 2021
>>>> U-Boot 2021.01-01005-gb8aeb689a2 (Feb 01 2021 - 10:38:01 +0100)
>>>> CPU:   Freescale i.MX8MMQ rev1.0 at 1200 MHz
>>>> Reset cause: POR
>>>> Model: FSL i.MX8MM EVK board
>>>> DRAM:  2 GiB
>>>> WDT:   Started with servicing (60s timeout)
>>>> MMC:   FSL_SDHC: 1, FSL_SDHC: 2
>>>> Loading Environment from MMC... Run CMD11 1.8V switch
>>>> *** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment
>>>> In:    serial
>>>> Out:   serial
>>>> Err:   serial
>>>> Net:   eth0: ethernet@30be0000
>>>> Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0
>>>> u-boot=> mmc dev 1
>>>> Run CMD11 1.8V switch
>>>> switch to partitions #0, OK
>>>> mmc1 is current device
>>>> u-boot=> mmc info
>>>> Device: FSL_SDHC
>>>> Manufacturer ID: 41
>>>> OEM: 3432
>>>> Name: SD32G
>>>> Bus Speed: 200000000
>>>> Mode: UHS SDR104 (208MHz)
>>>> Rd Block Len: 512
>>>> SD version 3.0
>>>> High Capacity: Yes
>>>> Capacity: 29.3 GiB
>>>> Bus Width: 4-bit
>>>> Erase Group Size: 512 Bytes
>>>> u-boot=> mmc dev 2
>>>> switch to partitions #0, OK
>>>> mmc2(part 0) is current device
>>>> u-boot=> mmc info
>>>> Device: FSL_SDHC
>>>> Manufacturer ID: 45
>>>> OEM: 100
>>>> Name: DG401
>>>> Bus Speed: 200000000
>>>> Mode: HS400ES (200MHz)
>>>> Rd Block Len: 512
>>>> MMC version 5.1
>>>> High Capacity: Yes
>>>> Capacity: 14.7 GiB
>>>> Bus Width: 8-bit DDR
>>>> Erase Group Size: 512 KiB
>>>> HC WP Group Size: 8 MiB
>>>> User Capacity: 14.7 GiB WRREL
>>>> Boot Capacity: 4 MiB ENH
>>>> RPMB Capacity: 4 MiB ENH
>>>> Boot area 0 is not write protected
>>>> Boot area 1 is not write protected
>>>> -----------------------------------------------
>>>> I guess high-level modifications are also required, since the uSDHC
>>>> does not follow the SD Specification in regards to voltage
>>>> switching, which is currently implemented in U-Boot, this patch
>>>> alone does not solve the
>>> mode switch.
>>>>> Signed-off-by: Haibo Chen <haibo.c...@nxp.com>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>  drivers/mmc/fsl_esdhc_imx.c | 29 +++++++++++++++++++++--------
>>>>>  include/fsl_esdhc_imx.h     |  2 ++
>>>>>  2 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
>>>>> diff --git a/drivers/mmc/fsl_esdhc_imx.c
>>>>> b/drivers/mmc/fsl_esdhc_imx.c index
>>>>> 8ac859797f..da33ee8253 100644
>>>>> --- a/drivers/mmc/fsl_esdhc_imx.c
>>>>> +++ b/drivers/mmc/fsl_esdhc_imx.c
>>>>> @@ -653,7 +653,10 @@ static void set_sysctl(struct fsl_esdhc_priv
>>>>> *priv, struct mmc *mmc, uint clock)
>>>>>         clk = (pre_div << 8) | (div << 4);
>>>>>  #ifdef CONFIG_FSL_USDHC
>>>>> -       esdhc_clrbits32(&regs->vendorspec, VENDORSPEC_CKEN);
>>>>> +       esdhc_clrbits32(&regs->vendorspec,
>>>>> +       ret = readx_poll_timeout(esdhc_read32, &regs->prsstat,
>>>>> + tmp, tmp &
>>>>> PRSSTAT_SDOFF, 100);
>>>>> +       if (ret)
>>>>> +               pr_warn("fsl_esdhc_imx: Internal clock never gate
>>>>> + off.\n");
>>>>>  #else
>>>>>         esdhc_clrbits32(&regs->sysctl, SYSCTL_CKEN);  #endif @@
>>>> -665,7
>>>>> +668,7 @@ static void set_sysctl(struct fsl_esdhc_priv *priv,
>>>>> +struct mmc
>>>> *mmc, uint clock)
>>>>>                 pr_warn("fsl_esdhc_imx: Internal clock never
>>>>> stabilised.\n");
>>>>>  #ifdef CONFIG_FSL_USDHC
>>>>> -       esdhc_setbits32(&regs->vendorspec, VENDORSPEC_PEREN |
>>>>> +       esdhc_setbits32(&regs->vendorspec,
>>>>>  #else
>>>>>         esdhc_setbits32(&regs->sysctl, SYSCTL_PEREN |
>>>>> SYSCTL_CKEN); #endif @@ -
>>>>> 720,8 +723,14 @@ static void esdhc_set_strobe_dll(struct mmc *mmc)
>>>>>         struct fsl_esdhc_priv *priv = dev_get_priv(mmc->dev);
>>>>>         struct fsl_esdhc *regs = priv->esdhc_regs;
>>>>>         u32 val;
>>>>> +       u32 tmp;
>>>>> +       int ret;
>>>>>         if (priv->clock > ESDHC_STROBE_DLL_CLK_FREQ) {
>>>>> +               esdhc_clrbits32(&regs->vendorspec,
>>>>> +               ret = readx_poll_timeout(esdhc_read32,
>>>>> + &regs->prsstat, tmp, tmp &
>>>>> PRSSTAT_SDOFF, 100);
>>>>> +               if (ret)
>>>>> +                       pr_warn("fsl_esdhc_imx: Internal clock
>>>>> + never gate off.\n");
>>>>>                 esdhc_write32(&regs->strobe_dllctrl,
>>>>>                 /*
>>>>> @@ -739,6 +748,7 @@ static void esdhc_set_strobe_dll(struct mmc
>> *mmc)
>>>>>                         pr_warn("HS400 strobe DLL status REF not
>>>> lock!\n");
>>>>>                 if (!(val & ESDHC_STROBE_DLL_STS_SLV_LOCK))
>>>>>                         pr_warn("HS400 strobe DLL status SLV not
>>>>> lock!\n");
>>>>> +               esdhc_setbits32(&regs->vendorspec,
>>>>>         }
>>>>>  }
>>>>> @@ -962,14 +972,18 @@ static int esdhc_set_ios_common(struct
>>>>> fsl_esdhc_priv *priv, struct mmc *mmc)  #ifdef
>>>>>         if (mmc->clk_disable) {
>>>>>  #ifdef CONFIG_FSL_USDHC
>>>>> -               esdhc_clrbits32(&regs->vendorspec,
>>>>> +               u32 tmp;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +               esdhc_clrbits32(&regs->vendorspec,
>>>>> +               ret = readx_poll_timeout(esdhc_read32,
>>>>> + &regs->prsstat, tmp, tmp &
>>>>> PRSSTAT_SDOFF, 100);
>>>>> +               if (ret)
>>>>> +                       pr_warn("fsl_esdhc_imx: Internal clock
>>>>> + never gate off.\n");
>>>>>  #else
>>>>>                 esdhc_clrbits32(&regs->sysctl, SYSCTL_CKEN);
>> #endif
>>>>>         } else {
>>>>>  #ifdef CONFIG_FSL_USDHC
>>>>> -               esdhc_setbits32(&regs->vendorspec,
>>>>> -                               VENDORSPEC_CKEN);
>>>>> +               esdhc_setbits32(&regs->vendorspec,
>>>>>  #else
>>>>>                 esdhc_setbits32(&regs->sysctl, SYSCTL_PEREN |
>>>>> SYSCTL_CKEN);  #endif @@ -1045,7 +1059,7 @@ static int
>>>>> esdhc_init_common(struct fsl_esdhc_priv *priv, struct mmc *mmc)
>>>>> #ifndef
>>>>>         esdhc_setbits32(&regs->sysctl, SYSCTL_HCKEN |
>>>> #else
>>>>> -       esdhc_setbits32(&regs->vendorspec, VENDORSPEC_HCKEN |
>>>>> +       esdhc_setbits32(&regs->vendorspec,
>>>>>  #endif
>>>>>         /* Set the initial clock speed */ @@ -1183,8 +1197,7 @@
>>>>> static int fsl_esdhc_init(struct fsl_esdhc_priv *priv,
>>>>>         esdhc_write32(&regs->autoc12err, 0);
>>>>>         esdhc_write32(&regs->clktunectrlstatus, 0);  #else
>>>>> -       esdhc_setbits32(&regs->vendorspec, VENDORSPEC_PEREN |
>>>>> -                       VENDORSPEC_HCKEN |
>>>>> +       esdhc_setbits32(&regs->vendorspec,
>>>>>  #endif
>>>>>         if (priv->vs18_enable)
>>>>> diff --git a/include/fsl_esdhc_imx.h b/include/fsl_esdhc_imx.h
>>>>> index
>>>>> 45ed635a77..b092034464 100644
>>>>> --- a/include/fsl_esdhc_imx.h
>>>>> +++ b/include/fsl_esdhc_imx.h
>>>>> @@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
>>>>>  #define VENDORSPEC_HCKEN       0x00001000
>>>>>  #define VENDORSPEC_IPGEN       0x00000800
>>>>>  #define VENDORSPEC_INIT                0x20007809
>>>>> +#define VENDORSPEC_FRC_SDCLK_ON 0x00000100
>>>>>  #define IRQSTAT                        0x0002e030
>>>>>  #define IRQSTAT_DMAE           (0x10000000)
>>>>> @@ -96,6 +97,7 @@
>>>>>  #define PRSSTAT_CINS           (0x00010000)
>>>>>  #define PRSSTAT_BREN           (0x00000800)
>>>>>  #define PRSSTAT_BWEN           (0x00000400)
>>>>> +#define PRSSTAT_SDOFF          (0x00000080)
>>>>>  #define PRSSTAT_SDSTB          (0X00000008)
>>>>>  #define PRSSTAT_DLA            (0x00000004)
>>>>>  #define PRSSTAT_CICHB          (0x00000002)
>>>>> --
>>>>> 2.17.1

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