On Fri, 8 Oct 2010 23:54:00 +0100
David Collier <from_denx_ub...@dexdyne.com> wrote:

> Apologies if this is a double -post - I didn't get it back in my feed
> from the mailing list.... maybe it is awaiting approval or something.
> But I'm off on holiday, and I'd really like it to be "out there"
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> I thought the whole point of using this linux and u-boot stuff was that
> whatever you did, someone else had done it first and you just had to copy
> them.

It improves the odds, but there's never a guarantee...

> 4 in <target>.h

What version of U-Boot are you using?  There should be no references to

> 5. create a file called nand.c in the same directory as my <target>.c -
> I've based mine on the one for the at91sam9261ek. This needs to implement

There is no nand.c in the at91sam9261ek directory in current U-Boot.
The NAND driver is in drivers/mtd/nand/atmel_nand.c.

Please try the latest code first, and use it as a base to build upon if
it doesn't have what you need.


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