On 1/20/21 6:18 PM, Jaehoon Chung wrote:
On 1/20/21 3:54 AM, Simon Glass wrote:
Thank you for attending!
Full notes at [1]
Tuesday 19 January 2021
Present: Daniel Schwierzeck, Heinrich Schuchardt, Michal Simek, Sean
Anderson, Simon Glass, Walter Lozano
[all] Introductions
[all] Timing of call
- Current time is the best across US, Europe, India. But not any good
for East Asia
In South Korea, it will be almost am 01:30.
Frankly, i can't speak English very well..If it doesn't matter, i hope to
attend sometime. :)\
One option could be to alternate times. E.g. one meeting pick a time
best for one hemisphere, and another call pick a time best for the
other. For example, the next meeting could be at 4:30 UTC (since we just
met at 16:30 UTC)
Best Regards,
Jaehoon Chung
- Simon might send out survey
- Send invitation to maintainer group - DONE
[Simon] New sequence numbers
[Heinrich] Online docs
- Accept a merge request only with docs included?
Next meeting Tuesday 2 Feb.