On Fri, Jan 15, 2021 at 07:02:50PM +0100, Heinrich Schuchardt wrote:

> Some boards are very tight on the binary size. Booting via UEFI is possible
> without using the boot manager.

While I don't think we need to re-word this part, for the record my
concern is global, not specific platforms.  To re-iterate something we
talked about on IRC, I think it's important to be able to select and
have a default UEFI implementation that covers as many common use cases
as possible, while also being as small as possible.

> Provide a configuration option to make the boot manager available.
> Signed-off-by: Heinrich Schuchardt <xypron.g...@gmx.de>
> +     bool "UEFI Boot Manager"
> +     default y
> +     help
> +       Select this option if you want to select the UEFI binary to be booted
> +       via UEFI variables Boot####, BootOrder, and BootNext. This enables the
> +       'bootefi bootmgr' command.

I'm not sure this should be default y.  My concern is that the default
set of options is growing so that every possible case has support in the
binary but the hardware and practical use means we don't need all of
that.  This should perhaps be "default y if DISTRO_DEFAULTS" at least.


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