> > +     initrd=<ramdisk> will stop working. The protocol will only be
> How about
> "Linux v5.7 and later can make use of this option. If the boot option
> selected by the UEFI boot manager specifies an existing file to be used
> as initial RAM disk, a Linux specific Load File2 protocol will be
> installed and Linux 5.7+ will ignore any initrd=<ramdisk> command line
> argument."
> > +     installed if bootmgr is used and the file is found on the defined
> > +     path. A boot entry of Boot0001 will try to match Initrd0001 and use
> This does not match the implementation.
> > +     it. Initrd EFI variable format should be '<dev> <part> <filename>'
> > +     i.e 'mmc 0:1 boot/initrd'
> "The efidebug command can be used to specify the file with the initial
> RAM disk."

Seems like I missed some text while amending the description. 
Your proposal sounds good I'll update it.

> In all our other coding this variable is called ret.
> I would prefer to do the same here too.

No problem

> Best regards

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