I am trying to boot from SOM-RK3399v2 board. Can't get to u-boot shell, but
TPL and SPL seems to be working. Booting from uSD or eMMC works.
Reading SPI flash it and diff-ing hex dumps shows nothing weird.

SPI image is created with following commands:
make clean distclean && make <my custom conf based on rockpro64> && make -j6
tools/mkimage -n rk3399 -T rkspi -d
tpl/u-boot-tpl-dtb.bin:spl/u-boot-spl-dtb.bin spl.bin
dd if=spl.bin of=spl-out.bin bs=128K conv=sync
cat spl-out.bin u-boot-dtb.img > out.bin
dd if=out.bin of=out.bin.pad bs=4M conv=sync
dd if=out.bin.pad of=/dev/mtdblock0 conv=sync

I have also tried dd-ing spl-out.bin with u-boot.itb or u-boot.img (with
384 kB offset) directly to SPI device - but result is the same. Same
results are also with pinebook-pro-rk3399_defconfig.

ls -lh <files>
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.2M Jan  9 01:11 out.bin
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4.0M Jan  9 01:11 out.bin.pad
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 328K Jan  9 01:11 spl.bin
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 384K Jan  9 01:11 spl-out.bin
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  92K Jan  9 01:10 spl/u-boot-spl-dtb.bin
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  70K Jan  9 01:10 tpl/u-boot-tpl-dtb.bin
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 793K Jan  9 01:09 u-boot-dtb.img
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 793K Jan  9 01:09 u-boot.img
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 945K Jan  9 01:09 u-boot.itb

du -h <files>
41K     tpl/u-boot-tpl-dtb.bin
65K     spl/u-boot-spl-dtb.bin
117K    spl.bin
117K    spl-out.bin
529K    u-boot-dtb.img
529K    u-boot.img
585K    u-boot.itb
637K    out.bin
637K    out.bin.pad

grep OFFS .config

Got same results with native build (on arm64) and cross-compile (amd64).
UART console shows:

U-Boot TPL 2021.01-rc5-00011-gc8f2a060a1 (Jan 08 2021 - 14:43:26)
Channel 0: LPDDR4, 50MHz
BW=32 Col=10 Bk=8 CS0 Row=16/15 CS=1 Die BW=16 Size=2048MB
Channel 1: LPDDR4, 50MHz
BW=32 Col=10 Bk=8 CS0 Row=16/15 CS=1 Die BW=16 Size=2048MB
256B stride
lpddr4_set_rate: change freq to 400000000 mhz 0, 1
lpddr4_set_rate: change freq to 800000000 mhz 1, 0
Trying to boot from BOOTROM
Returning to boot ROM...

U-Boot SPL 2021.01-rc5-00011-gc8f2a060a1 (Jan 08 2021 - 14:43:26 -0600)
Trying to boot from MMC2
mmc_load_image_raw_sector: mmc block read error
Trying to boot from SPI

Booting from SD and trying to write to the SPI flash from u-boot shell:
=> sf probe
SF: Detected w25q128 with page size 256 Bytes, erase size 4 KiB, total 16
=> load mmc 1:1 ${kernel_addr_r} u-boot.itb
970832 bytes read in 60 ms (15.4 MiB/s)
=> sf write $kernel_addr_r 0x60000 ${filesize}
device 0 offset 0x60000, size 0xed050
DH@b@N`@`@`@NL`@H@@N`01& 8"  Bpteb x6 00  Written: ERROR-110

=> load mmc 1:1 ${kernel_addr_r} u-boot.img
814892 bytes read in 51 ms (15.2 MiB/s)
=> sf write $kernel_addr_r 0x60000 ${filesize}
device 0 offset 0x60000, size 0xc6f2c
DH@b@N`@`@`@NL`@H@@N`00  00  @pteb x6 00  Wbitten:EROR -110

=> load mmc 1:1 ${kernel_addr_r} u-boot-dtb.img
814892 bytes read in 51 ms (15.2 MiB/s)
=> sf write $kernel_addr_r 0x60000 ${filesize}
device 0 offset 0x60000, size 0xc6f2c
DH@b@N`@`@`@NL`@H@@N`00! 002@qt@s 0p60000 ritten: ERROR -110

If I skip dd-ing u-boot.itb part then UART console shows:
dd if=spl.bin of=/dev/mtdblock0 conv=fsync
U-Boot TPL 2021.01-rc5-00011-gc8f2a060a1 (Jan 09 2021 - 16:43:10)
Channel 0: LPDDR4, 50MHz
BW=32 Col=10 Bk=8 CS0 Row=16/15 CS=1 Die BW=16 Size=2048MB
Channel 1: LPDDR4, 50MHz
BW=32 Col=10 Bk=8 CS0 Row=16/15 CS=1 Die BW=16 Size=2048MB
256B stride
lpddr4_set_rate: change freq to 400000000 mhz 0, 1
lpddr4_set_rate: change freq to 800000000 mhz 1, 0
Trying to boot from BOOTROM
Returning to boot ROM...

U-Boot SPL 2021.01-rc5-00011-gc8f2a060a1 (Jan 09 2021 - 16:43:10 +0100)
Trying to boot from MMC2
mmc_load_image_raw_sector: mmc block read error
Trying to boot from SPI
Trying to boot from MMC1
mmc_load_image_raw_sector: mmc block read error
SPL: failed to boot from all boot devices
### ERROR ### Please RESET the board ###

Booting from SPI flash with extra logs:
grep _LOG_ .config
# CONFIG_LOG_SYSLOG is not set

UART console:
common/spl/spl.c:601-board_init_r() >>TPL: board_init_r()
common/spl/spl.c:601-board_init_r() >>TPL: board_init_r()
common/spl/spl.c:601-board_init_r() >>TPL: board_init_r()
common/spl/spl.c:601-board_init_r() >>TPL: board_init_r()
<repeats for minutes...>

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