Hi Michael,

On Tue, 8 Dec 2020 at 15:52, Michael Walle <mich...@walle.cc> wrote:
> Hi Simon,
> Am 2020-11-30 02:53, schrieb Simon Glass:
> > At present each device has two sequence numbers, with 'req_seq' being
> > set up at bind time and 'seq' at probe time. The idea is that devices
> > can 'request' a sequence number and then the conflicts are resolved
> > when
> > the device is probed.
> >
> > This makes things complicated in a few cases, since we don't really
> > know
> > (at bind time) what the sequence number will end up being. We want to
> > honour the bind-time requests if at all possible, but in fact the only
> > source of these at present is the devicetree aliases.
> >
> > Apart from the obvious need for sequence numbers to supports U-Boot's
> > numbering on devices on the command line, the current scheme was
> > designed to:
> >
> > - avoid calculating the sequence number until it is needed, to save
> >   execution time
> > - allow multiple devices to obtain a particular sequence number as they
> >   are probed and removed
> > - retain a record of the 'requested' sequence number even if it turns
> > out
> >   that a device could not get it (to allow debugging and retrying)
> >
> > After some years using the current scheme it seems on balance that
> > these
> > goals don't have as much merit as first thought. The first point would
> > be persuasive except that we end up reading the devicetree aliases at
> > bind-time anyway. So the work of resolving the sequence numbers during
> > probing is not that great. The second point hasn't really been an
> > issue,
> > as there is typically no contention for sequence numbers (boards tend
> > to
> > allocate them statically in the devicetree). Re the third point, we can
> > often figure out what was requested by looking at aliases, and in the
> > cases where we can't, it doesn't seem to matter much.
> >
> > Since we have the devicetree available at bind time, we may as well
> > just
> > use it, in the hope that the required processing will turn out to be
> > useful later (i.e. the device actually gets used). In addition, it is
> > simpler to use a single sequence number, since it avoids confusion and
> > some extra code.
> >
> > This series moves U-Boot to use a single, bind-time sequence number.
> > All
> > uclasses with the DM_UC_FLAG_SEQ_ALIAS flag enabled will assign
> > sequence
> > numbers to their devices, so that as soon as a device is bound, it has
> > a
> > sequence number. If a devicetree alias provides the number, it will be
> > used. Otherwise, during initial binding, the first free number is used.
> What does "first free number mean"?
> I have a device tree with the following aliases for network:
> aliases {
>          ethernet0 = &enetc0;
>          ethernet1 = &enetc1;
>          ethernet2 = &enetc2;
>          ethernet3 = &enetc6;
> };
> The individual devices might be disabled, depending on the board variant
> (which might also be dynamically determined during startup).

By disabled, do you mean that they are marked 'status = "disabled"'?
If so, then they are ignored by DM and will not claim their number.

> My first smoke test with this series show the following:
>    uclass 32: eth
>    0   * enetc-0 @ ffd40e60, seq 0
>    1   * ax88179_eth @ ffd51f50, seq 1
> Looks like the usb ethernet device will get seq 1 assigned (after "usb
> start"). Is this intended?
> If so, this is a problem, because for ethernet devices, the MAC address
> is assigned according to the ethNaddr variable. And at least for this
> board (kontron_sl28) the first four are reserved for the ones with the
> alias entries. Thus I'd have expected that the usb device will get seq 4
> assigned.

OK, so you mean after all existing aliases, even if they did not bind.
I think we can do that.


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