On 19/11/2020 18:48, Nicolas Saenz Julienne wrote:
The Raspberry Pi Foundation released the new Compute Module 4which we
"Module 4 which we "
(missing space)
want to detect, so we can enable Ethernet on it and know the correct
device tree file name.
Note that this sets the Ethernet option to true since the official CM4
IO board has an Ethernet port. But that might not be the case when using
custom ones.
Signed-off-by: Nicolas Saenz Julienne <nsaenzjulie...@suse.de>
board/raspberrypi/rpi/rpi.c | 5 +++++
1 file changed, 5 insertions(+)
diff --git a/board/raspberrypi/rpi/rpi.c b/board/raspberrypi/rpi/rpi.c
index ce60a24352..4ffd23c6ac 100644
--- a/board/raspberrypi/rpi/rpi.c
+++ b/board/raspberrypi/rpi/rpi.c
@@ -162,6 +162,11 @@ static const struct rpi_model rpi_models_new_scheme[] = {
DTB_DIR "bcm2711-rpi-4-b.dtb",
+ [0x14] = {
+ "Compute Modue 4",
+ DTB_DIR "bcm2711-rpi-cm4.dtb",
+ true,
+ },
static const struct rpi_model rpi_models_old_scheme[] = {