On 20/11/2020 17:48, Aswath Govindraju wrote:
The following series of patches
- adds support for host mode to USB3SS0 controller
- adds aliases for USB subsystems
- adds a workaround to use USB0 in USB 2.0 only mode
Aswath Govindraju (3):
board: ti: am65x: Set SERDES0 mux to PCIe to use USB 2.0 interface
dts: am654-base-board-uboot: Set USB0 dr_mode to host
dts: am654-base-board-uboot: Add aliases for USB subsystems
For all patches,
Acked-by: Roger Quadros <rog...@ti.com>
arch/arm/dts/k3-am654-base-board-u-boot.dtsi | 4 +++-
board/ti/am65x/evm.c | 16 ++++++++++++++++
2 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
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