On 11/3/20 7:15 PM, Biju Das wrote:
> Hi Jaehoon Chung,
> Thanks for the feedback.
>> Subject: Re: [PATCH v6 2/7] mmc: renesas-sdhi: Add SDHI quirks for R-Car
>> M3-W and RZ/G2M
>> On 11/3/20 1:16 AM, Biju Das wrote:
>>> Add SDHI quirks for R-Car M3-W and RZ/G2M SoC.
>>> Signed-off-by: Biju Das <biju.das...@bp.renesas.com>
>>> Reviewed-by: Lad Prabhakar <prabhakar.mahadev-
>> lad...@bp.renesas.com>
>>> ---
>>>  drivers/mmc/renesas-sdhi.c | 110
>>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>>  1 file changed, 110 insertions(+)
>>> diff --git a/drivers/mmc/renesas-sdhi.c b/drivers/mmc/renesas-sdhi.c
>>> index d80b3fc28f..39deeb94d8 100644
>>> --- a/drivers/mmc/renesas-sdhi.c
>>> +++ b/drivers/mmc/renesas-sdhi.c
>>> @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
>>>  #include <linux/io.h>
>>>  #include <linux/sizes.h>
>>>  #include <power/regulator.h>
>>> +#include <soc.h>
>>>  #include <asm/unaligned.h>
>>>  #include "tmio-common.h"
>>> @@ -105,6 +106,15 @@ static const u8
>> r8a77990_calib_table[2][CALIB_TABLE_MAX] = {
>>>      12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 18, 18, 19, 19, 20, 24, 26, 26, 26, 26 }
>>> };
>>> +#define SDHI_CALIB_TABLE_MAX 32
>>> +
>>> +struct renesas_sdhi_quirks {
>>> +   bool hs400_disabled;
>>> +   bool hs400_4taps;
>>> +   u32 hs400_bad_taps;
>>> +   const u8 (*hs400_calib_table)[SDHI_CALIB_TABLE_MAX];
>>> +};
>>> +
>>>  static int rmobile_is_gen3_mmc0(struct tmio_sd_priv *priv)  {
>>>     /* On R-Car Gen3, MMC0 is at 0xee140000 */ @@ -855,6 +865,99 @@
>>> static ulong renesas_sdhi_clk_get_rate(struct tmio_sd_priv *priv)
>>>     return clk_get_rate(&priv->clk);
>>>  }
>>> +static const struct renesas_sdhi_quirks
>> sdhi_quirks_4tap_nohs400_b17_dtrend = {
>>> +   .hs400_disabled = true,
>>> +   .hs400_4taps = true,
>>> +};
>>> +
>>> +static const struct renesas_sdhi_quirks sdhi_quirks_4tap_nohs400 = {
>>> +   .hs400_disabled = true,
>>> +   .hs400_4taps = true,
>>> +};
>>> +
>>> +static const struct renesas_sdhi_quirks sdhi_quirks_r8a7796_es12 = {
>>> +   .hs400_4taps = true,
>>> +   .hs400_bad_taps = BIT(2) | BIT(3) | BIT(6) | BIT(7),
>> Use Macro, not magic code. We don't know what mean BIT(2), BIT(3), BIT(6)..
> This work is based on linux[1]. For maintainability we want to make u-boot 
> code similar to linux, so that in future if there
> is any improvement in linux we can port here.
> [1] 
> https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/tree/drivers/mmc/host/renesas_sdhi_core.c?h=v5.10-rc2#n886

I think that it needs to change to meaningful value in linux. :)
But I agreed that you want to maintain the similar code with linux.
Thanks for kindly explanation.

Best Regards,
Jaehoon Chung

>>> +   .hs400_calib_table = r8a7796_rev1_calib_table, };
>>> +
>>> +static const struct renesas_sdhi_quirks sdhi_quirks_r8a7796_es13 = {
>>> +   .hs400_bad_taps = BIT(1) | BIT(3) | BIT(5) | BIT(7),
>> Ditto.
>>> +   .hs400_calib_table = r8a7796_rev3_calib_table, };
>>> +
>>> +/*
>>> + * Note for r8a7796 / r8a774a1: we can't distinguish ES1.1 and 1.2 as of
>> now.
>>> + * So, we want to treat them equally and only have a match for ES1.2
>>> +to enforce
>>> + * this if there ever will be a way to distinguish ES1.2.
>>> + */
>>> +static const struct soc_attr sdhi_quirks_match[]  = {
>>> +   { .soc_id = "r8a774a1",
>>> +     .revision = "ES1.0",
>>> +     .data = &sdhi_quirks_4tap_nohs400_b17_dtrend
>>> +   },
>>> +   { .soc_id = "r8a774a1",
>>> +     .revision = "ES1.1",
>>> +     .data = &sdhi_quirks_4tap_nohs400
>>> +   },
>>> +   { .soc_id = "r8a774a1",
>>> +     .revision = "ES1.2",
>>> +     .data = &sdhi_quirks_r8a7796_es12
>>> +   },
>>> +   { .soc_id = "r8a774a1",
>>> +     .revision = "ES1.3",
>>> +     .data = &sdhi_quirks_r8a7796_es13
>>> +   },
>>> +   { .soc_id = "r8a7796",
>>> +     .revision = "ES1.0",
>>> +     .data = &sdhi_quirks_4tap_nohs400_b17_dtrend
>>> +   },
>>> +   { .soc_id = "r8a7796",
>>> +     .revision = "ES1.1",
>>> +     .data = &sdhi_quirks_4tap_nohs400
>>> +   },
>>> +   { .soc_id = "r8a7796",
>>> +     .revision = "ES1.2",
>>> +     .data = &sdhi_quirks_r8a7796_es12
>>> +   },
>>> +   { .soc_id = "r8a7796",
>>> +     .revision = "ES1.3",
>>> +     .data = &sdhi_quirks_r8a7796_es13
>>> +   },
>>> +   { /* Sentinel. */ },
>>> +};
>>> +
>>> +static void renesas_sdhi_add_quirks(struct tmio_sd_plat *plat,
>>> +                               struct tmio_sd_priv *priv,
>>> +                               const struct renesas_sdhi_quirks *quirks) {
>>> +   priv->read_poll_flag = TMIO_SD_DMA_INFO1_END_RD2;
>>> +
>>> +   if (quirks && quirks->hs400_disabled) {
>>> +           plat->cfg.host_caps &= ~MMC_MODE_HS400;
>>> +           if (quirks == &sdhi_quirks_4tap_nohs400_b17_dtrend)
>>> +                   priv->read_poll_flag =
>>> +   }
>>> +
>>> +   if (quirks && quirks->hs400_4taps)
>>> +           priv->nrtaps = 4;
>>> +   else
>>> +           priv->nrtaps = 8;
>> priv->nrtraps = 8 should be default value.
>> And it needs to check one time about quirks's present at first time.
>> Then it can be changed to below..
> Agreed. Will do this changes in next version.
> Regards,
> Biju
>> priv->read_poll_flag = TMIO...;
>> priv->nrtaps = 8;
>> if (!quriks)
>>      return;
>> if (quirks-.hs400_disabld) {
>>      ...
>> }
>> if (quirks->hs400_4taps)
>>      priv->nrtaps = 4;
>> ...
>> Then it's more readable..
>> Best Regards,
>> Jaehoon Chung
>>> +
>>> +   if (quirks && quirks->hs400_bad_taps)
>>> +           priv->hs400_bad_tap = quirks->hs400_bad_taps;> +
>>> +   if (quirks && quirks->hs400_calib_table) {
>>> +           priv->adjust_hs400_enable = true;
>>> +           priv->adjust_hs400_calib_table =
>>> +                   quirks-
>>> hs400_calib_table[!rmobile_is_gen3_mmc0(priv)];
>>> +           if (quirks == &sdhi_quirks_r8a7796_es12)
>>> +                   priv->adjust_hs400_offset = 3;
>>> +           else if (quirks == &sdhi_quirks_r8a7796_es13)
>>> +                   priv->adjust_hs400_offset = 0;
>>> +   }
>>> +}
>>> +
>>>  static void renesas_sdhi_filter_caps(struct udevice *dev)  {
>>>     struct tmio_sd_priv *priv = dev_get_priv(dev); @@ -866,6 +969,13
>> @@
>>> static void renesas_sdhi_filter_caps(struct udevice *dev)
>>>     struct tmio_sd_plat *plat = dev_get_platdata(dev);
>>> +   const struct soc_attr *attr;
>>> +
>>> +   attr = soc_device_match(sdhi_quirks_match);
>>> +   if (attr) {
>>> +           renesas_sdhi_add_quirks(plat, priv, attr->data);
>>> +           return;
>>> +   }
>>>     /* HS400 is not supported on H3 ES1.x and M3W ES1.0, ES1.1 */
>>>     if (((rmobile_get_cpu_type() == RMOBILE_CPU_TYPE_R8A7795) &&

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